George Booker
A New Creation

11. Recommended Reading

What follows is a list of recommended reading, from the writings of various Christadelphians. Most of these works are still in print and available from several sources. This list is far from complete, but will serve to draw attention to the rich possibilities, just within our own small community, for continuing Bible study. (Many of these books have been consulted in the course of this work.)

The Bible as a Whole

Vox Dei (Collyer): “The Word, or Voice, of God” — a simple discussion of the grounds of faith in the Bible as God’s Word, with emphasis on prophecy fulfilled and fulfilling. A bit out-of-date, but still fine reading.

God’s Truth (Hayward): “A scientist shows why it makes sense to believe the Bible.” A first-rate, and very entertaining, survey of inspiration, Bible background, and Bible proofs.

Foundations and First Principles

Bible Basics (Heaster): An orderly survey of basic Bible teaching; has been used extensively in preaching activities, and translated, now, into a number of languages.

Christendom Astray (Roberts): This book started as a series of first principles lectures, and has revolutionized the thinking of literally thousands of readers.

Elpis Israel (Thomas): “The Hope of Israel”. Written in 1848, it marked the beginning of the modern “Christadelphian” movement. The language is a bit difficult, but the insights are wonderful. The final section, on last days prophecy, is by now considerably out-of-date as to particulars, although many points even there are still valid. (If necessary, read it slowly, two or three pages per day.)

Wrested Scriptures (Abel): An organized, in-depth analysis of Bible verses regularly misapplied by various denominations to prove their own special false doctrines. Very useful in all preaching work.

The Protesters and Brethren in Christ (Eyre): The primary reason to read these two books is to marvel at the spiritual strength of the pioneers of our faith (going back much earlier than the 19th century!), and to be motivated, by their examples, to greater efforts in these days of laziness and indifference.

John Thomas and His Rediscovery of Bible Truth (Fadelle): The story of Christadelphian beginnings told in a simple, concise fashion. Useful for introducing the faith to friends and family.

Understanding the Bible (Norris): Bible proofs and a simple plan for first steps in Bible reading and study.

The Devil — the Great Deceiver (Watkins): Analysis of the Bible teaching about sin, with special attention to the “wrested passages” about the Devil and Satan.

Preaching the Truth (Brown), Desert Island Adventure (Wille), and At Last True Christianity (Eyre): The “gospel” in light and entertaining story forms.

Bible Study

Beyond Bible Basics (Heaster): Takes up where Bible Basics leaves off. 900+ pages of serious Bible study!

Exploring the Bible and Enjoying the Bible (Whittaker): These two books are in a class by themselves. It would be very difficult to say too much in commending them. It is safe to say these books have helped more Christadelphians to become true Bible students than any other writings. The benefit of such books is that the student — if he reads wisely and practices what he reads — will become, to a large extent, independent of the interpretations of other men.

Our Life in the Truth

Freedom in Christ (Twelves): Advice on following Christ in an evil and permissive society.

The Guiding Light, Convictions and Conduct, and Principles and Proverbs (Collyer): This fine writer had a knack for examining principles and philosophies of life in a very insightful and penetrating fashion.

Reformation (Whittaker): Attempting to bring about a new “reformation”, leading Christadelphians back to traditional standards of life in the Truth. Guaranteed to give the serious reader a guilty conscience!

The New Life (Marshall): The “new and living way”.

Prayer — Studies in Principles and Practice (Purkis, Tennant): The best book on a very private and personal part of each believer’s life.

Preaching the Word (Norris): Advice on how to become a true and effective preacher of the gospel.

The Genius of Discipleship (Gillett): “True discipleship involves the whole man, and its influence should be conspicuous in every department of daily living.”

Family Life in the Lord (Styles): A collection of articles designed to improve the quality of our family life, to the honor and glory of God.

War and Politics — the Christian’s Duty (Watkins): A small pamphlet discussing crucial areas in a new believer’s life.

Biblical Fellowship (Booker): The meaning of “fellowship” with God and with Christ, and with our brethren. Helpful analysis of what can be a very difficult and troubling subject, especially for new believers. Contains extensive quotations from earlier Christadelphians on this subject.

General Exhortations

Diseases of the Soul (Gillett).

Guided by the Star (Ladson).

A Sound Mind (Sargent).

Minute Meditations (Lloyd).

The Ways of Providence and The Visible Hand of God (Roberts).


Abraham, Father of the Faithful (Whittaker).

Wrestling Jacob (Whittaker).

Moses My Servant (Tennant).

The Man David (Tennant).

Hezekiah the Great (Whittaker)/The Songs of Degrees (Booker): Two books with a related theme under one cover.

Peter: Fisher of Men (Norris).

Old Testament Exposition

The Law of Moses (Roberts) and Law and Grace (Barling): Two very good studies on the Law of Moses.

Samuel, Saul, and David (Whittaker): The history of 1 and 2 Samuel.

Psalms Studies (Booker): Two volumes and 800+ pages on the Psalms, from a historical and a Messianic perspective.

Proverbs (Crawford): In three volumes, an in-depth study, with a serious moral tone.

Isaiah (Whittaker): A serious study, not necessarily for the true “beginner”. Something to look forward to after a few years!

The Lamentations of Jeremiah (Booker, Haltom).

From Hosea to Zephaniah (Pearce).

Prophets After the Exile (Carter).

New Testament Exposition

Studies in the Gospels (Whittaker): This may be the best book ever written by a Christadelphian, or any other Bible expositor, for that matter.

Gospel of John (Carter).

The Teaching of the Master (Sargent).

Studies in the Acts of the Apostles (Whittaker).

Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, and Hebrews (Carter): Studies in four different letters.

Letters to Corinth, Philippians, and Colossians (Barling): Three books on various letters.

Waiting for His Son (Booker): The letters to the Thessalonians.

James and The Epistles of John (Smart).

Eureka: An Exposition of the Apocalypse (Thomas): Five volumes, and 1,800 pages. Not recommended for the beginner; however, there are numerous shorter works that serve as useful introductions to the study of the Book of Revelation. Wait a few years before “graduating” to “Eureka”!

Revelation: A Biblical Approach (Whittaker): The Book of Revelation from a futurist perspective, primarily. Shows how all of the Bible may be brought to bear on this the last (and in some ways the most intriguing) book of the Bible.

In addition to all the above, the Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation has an extensive cassette tape library (over 5,000 tapes at last count), of all sorts of Bible studies: first principles, exhortations, and detailed expositions — all at very cheap prices. The latest catalogue may be obtained from:

Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation

P.O. Box 982, Bloomington, IL 61702.

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