The Agora
Bible Commentary

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52


Author: Jeremiah and Baruch

Time: 630 - 575 BC

Summary: Jeremiah warns of the impending military force of Babylon that would destroy Jerusalem and enslave the Jews. He urges Jerusalem to turn from its wicked ways, but there is no response. He further warns of the false prophets who are leading the people astray with deceptive doctrines and falsehoods. He urges the Israelites to submit to the Babylonian authority as the instrument of God's judgment. They do not heed his warnings and the people are carried away to Babylon. He predicts that the captives will return after 70 years to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple.


1. The prophet's call: Jer 1

2. Prophetic oracles against Jerusalem and Judah: Jer 2-35

a) Early discourses: Jer 2-6
b) Temple message: Jer 7-10
c) Covenant and conspiracy: Jer 11-13
d) Messages concerning the drought: Jer 14-15
e) Disaster and comfort: Jer 16:1-17:18
f) Command to keep the Sabbath holy: Jer 17:19-27
g) Lessons from the potter: Jer 18-20
h) Condemnation of kings, prophets and people: Jer 21-24
i) Foretelling the Babylonian exile: Jer 25-29
j) Promises of restoration: Jer 30-33
k) Historical appendix: Jer 34-35

3. Sufferings and persecutions of Jeremiah: Jer 36-38

a) Burning Jeremiah's scroll: Jer 36
b) Imprisoning Jeremiah: Jer 37; 38

4. The fall of Jerusalem and its aftermath: Jer 39-45

a) The fall itself: Jer 39
b) Accession and assassination of Gedaliah: Jer 40:1-41:15
c) Migration to Egypt: Jer 41:16-43:13
d) Prophecy against those in Egypt: Jer 44
e) Historical appendix: promise to Baruch: Jer 45

5. Prophecies against the nations: Jer 46-51

a) Against Egypt: Jer 46:1-28
b) Against Philistia: Jer 47:1-7
c) Against Moab: Jer 48:1-47
d) Against Ammon: Jer 49:1-6
e) Against Edom: Jer 49:7-22
f) Against Damascus: Jer 49:23-27
g) Against Arabia: Jer 49:28-33
h) Against Elam: Jer 49:34-39
i) Against Babylon: Jer 50; 51

6. Historical appendix: Jer 52

a) Judah's fall and captivity: Jer 52:1-30
b) Jehoiachin's liberation: Jer 52:31-34


Jeremiah's chapters in chronological order

1-6; 11; 12; 26; 7-10; 14-20; 35; 36; 45; 25; 46-49; 13; 22-24; 27-29; 50; 51; 30-33; 21; 34; 37-39; 52; 40-44.

See Lesson, Jeremiah type of Christ

See Lesson, Jeremiah's family tree

See Lesson, Jeremiah/his life and times

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