The Agora
Tragedy And Triumph (Psa 22)
"Paul was reasoning in the market place every day with those who happened to be present." (Acts 17:17)


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Tragedy And Triumph (Psa 22)

The Gospels give us the words and the deeds of Jesus. The Psalms give us his thoughts. The Psalms have been called the "Fifth Gospel". In the inspired songs of David, we are blessed to know the mind of the greater son of David, the one whom even he called "Lord".

Perhaps more than any other, the 22nd psalm takes us into the "most holy place", where the atoning blood is sprinkled on the mercy seat, and God is reconciled to man in the one perfect sacrifice.

Table Of Contents

"My God, My God" (vv 1-5)
"I Am A Worm" (vv 6-11)
"Into The Dust Of Death" (vv 12-18)
"The Sufferings Of Christ" (vv 19-21)
"The Glory That Should Follow" (vv 22-25)
"A Seed Shall Serve Him" (vv 26-31)