"Paul was reasoning in the market place every day with those who happened to be present." (Acts 17:17)
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Welcome to the Agora!Welcome to the Agora -- a meeting place for Bible students, containing the writings of George Booker and many other Christadelphians.In the Greek of the New Testament, the "agora" was the marketplace, the place of public assembly, the center of community life. It was the place where people met and greeted one another, where children played. It was the place where news was circulated, where ideas were exchanged, and where the gospel of Christ was first proclaimed. (The "forum" was the Latin equivalent of the Greek "agora".) An interesting note: those who become Christians are spoken of in the New Testament as "redeemed" in Christ, or "bought" with the blood of the Lamb, and similar expressions. The Greek words often used to describe this are "agorazo" and "exargorazo" -- which literally mean to be "bought" in, or out of, the marketplace! (In the Roman Empire, the "agora" often served as a "slave-market".) [See Lesson Redemption] So the "agora" was, and is, the place (1) where opinions are circulated and evaluated, (2) where new lifestyles are "sold" and "bought", and (3) where people's lives are changed! Please... make yourself at home.
If you have any comments or questions about the content of this site, please contact George Booker. Questions of a technical nature or reporting broken links can be directed to Josh Carmody.