The Agora
"Paul was reasoning in the market place every day with those who happened to be present." (Acts 17:17)


Site Abbreviations

Who are the Christadelphians?
First Principles
Prophecy Studies
Daily Exhortations
Bible Companion
Bible Articles and Lessons
Bible Commentary
Bible Editorials
Bible Books

ChristadelphianBooks Online
Complete Book List
David Baird
George Booker
Rick O'Connor
Neville Smart
Don Styles
Harry Whittaker
Unity In Australia

Welcome to the Agora!

Welcome to the Agora -- a meeting place for Bible students, containing the writings of George Booker and many other Christadelphians.

In the Greek of the New Testament, the "agora" was the marketplace, the place of public assembly, the center of community life. It was the place where people met and greeted one another, where children played. It was the place where news was circulated, where ideas were exchanged, and where the gospel of Christ was first proclaimed. (The "forum" was the Latin equivalent of the Greek "agora".)

An interesting note: those who become Christians are spoken of in the New Testament as "redeemed" in Christ, or "bought" with the blood of the Lamb, and similar expressions. The Greek words often used to describe this are "agorazo" and "exargorazo" -- which literally mean to be "bought" in, or out of, the marketplace! (In the Roman Empire, the "agora" often served as a "slave-market".) [See Lesson Redemption]

So the "agora" was, and is, the place (1) where opinions are circulated and evaluated, (2) where new lifestyles are "sold" and "bought", and (3) where people's lives are changed!

Please... make yourself at home.

If our name is new to you, check out Who are the Christadelphians?
For expositions of Bible prophecy, especially as related to the Last Days, see the articles listed in "Prophecy studies".
Come by every day to read the Agora Bible Daily Exhortations: generally brief thoughts and meditations based on the same daily Bible readings.
Look up verses, or chapters, in the Agora Bible Commentary: is there a particular Bible passage you've wondered about, or would like more information about?
Go to the Agora Bible Books, and browse through the library: read, download; it's all free!
For more detail on the basic Bible teachings of Christadelphians, look at the articles which are listed in "First principles".
The daily Bible reading plan (or "Bible Companion") helps one read the entire Bible each year. It's a great habit to develop. Here you will also find comments on each days readings.
The Agora Bible Articles and Lessons are over 600 separate studies on a wide variety of Bible subjects.
For "lighter" reading, you might enjoy the Agora Bible Editorials.
Explanation of abbreviations used throughout the site.

If you have any comments or questions about the content of this site, please contact George Booker. Questions of a technical nature or reporting broken links can be directed to Josh Carmody.

NOTE: This site is still under construction. Many of the links below are not fully functional, so be sure to check back frequently. While you are here you may also wish to visit our parent site ChristadelphianBooks Online which contains a lot of other Christadelphian resources. This site will eventually be integrated fully with The Agora.