PROUD: "Phusio": puffed up, inflated... by the leaven
of 1Co 5:7,8!
GRIEF: Or mourning, as Mat 5:4.
1Co 5:3
Cp 2Co 5:8.
1Co 5:4
JESUS...: "It would be well, on the evidence of 1Co 5:4 and of ecclesial
practice in the first three centuries, that no disfellowship should take place
among us without the consent of the brethren and sisters in assembly, a consent
which should be effective rather than formal. Only when an ecclesia has become
so decayed or unruly that its members are unfit to decide such matters, should
they be prevented from doing so upon receiving a summons from the arranging
brethren" (FCE).
1Co 5:5
HAND... OVER TO SATAN: Poss to turn over to civil
authorities (cp usage in 1Th 2:18; 1Ti 1:20). Or, to disfellowship, ie cast out
into the world. But even if cast out, must seek recovery (2Co 2:6-8).
1Co 5:6
See Lesson, A little leaven (1Co 5). Ref to moral laxity. "The
evil was not only unrepented of; it had not been repudiated by the ecclesia..."
(LGS, Xd 105:218,219).
1Co 5:7
A NEW BATCH: Ref not just to the one sinner, but to
individual self-examination of all believers (1Co 6:9-11).
PASSOVER LAMB: Exo 12:3,21. Purpose of the sin
offering: Christ as sin-bearer: (1) a means of showing God's judgment on sin:
death; (2) a vindication (on the believer's part) of God's condemnation of sin
and sinner; and (3) to provide a ritual ceremony by which the offerer could (a)
make confession of his guilt (Lev 4:2,3,13-20,22-24), (b) express his desire for
forgiveness (Lev 4:20,26,31), and (c) declare the righteousness of God in
demanding death as the wages of sin. Note: the sacrificial victim under the Law
was treated as God would treat sin -- its violent death (a judicial death)
expressed God's complete intolerance of sin. (Cp generally 1Pe 2:24,25; Isa
1Co 5:8
BREAD WITHOUT YEAST: Related to affliction (Deu 16:3),
haste, inconvenience (Gen 18:6).
SINCERITY: "Eilikrineia", from root to test by sunlight
-- ie clear, pure in 2Pe 3:1.
1Co 5:10
Do not associate (in the ecclesia) with immoral persons (vv
9,13), but do speak to/teach those who are outside (v 10), with view to
1Co 5:11
Cp 2Th 3:6.
1Co 5:13
GOD WILL JUDGE: That is, through Christ: Act 10:42; Joh
5:22,27,30; 8:15,16.