That I am. Evidently this was not taken to be a claim
to the Divine Name, but in v.58, yes.
The reading of Is.43 :9 suggested in the text is a valid
translation of the Hebrew, and it finds support in LXX and in 42: land Rev 1
He that sent me is true. In expansion of the comment in
the text consider:
lKgs.8:23;Dt.7:9;2Chr.l :8; ls.55:3; 16:5.
2 Sam.2 :6; Ps.31 :5; 40 :10,11; 132 :11; ls.38
Even as he taught me. Gk. aorist perhaps indicates an
Old Testament education, especially the Scriptures about Moses.
Is with me. If Is.50 :6 is a prophecy of Jesus, then so
also the two preceding verses.
Abide in my word. cp. 15 :7; 1 Jn.2 :6,24,27. The
phrase could mean: "in the Word about me."
Make you free. So also Paul: Gal.4 :l-7,22ff.
The alternative to following RVmg (as in the text) is to take
AV and read it as a further allusion to Isaac and Ishmael: "I speak the things
which I have seen with my Father (the scripture about the offering of Isaac?-'
In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen'), and ye do the things which ye have
heard(RV) with your father (Ishmael's mockery of Isaac)", that word "heard"
playing with the meaning of Ishmael.
Abraham is our father. Pride in natural descent had
been declared worthless by John the Baptist; Mt.3 :9.
AllusiontoDt.23:2; contrastEx.4:22;ls.63:16;64:8.
Is it possible that the entire verse is an allusion to Joseph
and his brethren?
The Bible's claims concerning the sinlessness of Jesus are
copious: Jn.8 :29; 4 :34; 14:30; 15 :10; Heb.3 :15;7 :26; 1 Pet.l :19; 2 :22; 3
:18,.|s.53 :9; Ps.18 20-26; 1 Jn.3 :5; 2 Cor.5 :21. There are many
Hast a devil. In LXX this word means a false god. Then
were they referring to the gods the ancient Samaritans brought with them? 2
Kgs.17 :29-33.
It is possible that the allusions to Genesis are being
continued through these verses, thus: 'You know that I honour the Father, and
you despise me for it (as Cain despised Abel for his godliness). I do not seek
my own exaltation (any more than Abel did): but God seeks out your evil motives
and judges them (as He did Cain's). If a man hold on to the Promises about me he
will not see death (for through me there is the conquest of the serpent and its
power; 3 :14).'
'Now we know that you are possessed with a devil, you
are the seed of the serpent, for you say that if a man rests on your
teaching he will not taste of death (as Adam and Eve did by eating of the
forbidden fruit). Yet our great father Abraham died, promises or no promises.
Are you greater than he?'
Those who would be over-literal with the Greek here, reading
it "not taste of death forever," should try it-in Jn.13 :8 where the
Greek is the same. Death of the believer asa sleep: Mt.27:52;Jn. 11 :11;
Acts 13:36; 1 Cor.15 :20,51; 1 Th.4 :14
There is an effective switch here from "know" meaning 'learn,
get to know' to 'know intimately or without effort.'
Saw it. But he only go to glimpse of it (Gk.
Could read: Before Abraham is to become, I AM
To cast at him. Cp. also Heb.12 :20. Several attempts
to stone Jesus culminated in his being thrust through with a dart.
Part of this verse is unwarrantably omitted by some modern