The figure of "Light" comes several times to John, but the
basis of the figure is not always the same:
12:23,36: the allusion, as here, is to the Shekinah
9:4,5: the light of the sun, daylight.
1:4-9: light in the beginning of Creation(Gen.l).
1 Jn. 1:5,6;2:9-11: the darkness of Judaism is contrasted with
the light of the Gospel.
Thy witness is not true. The same attack in 5:31;
7:18,28; 8:54.
The witness of two men. Dt. 1:17 is modified here to
point the contrast between having men and having God as witness. Note how
frequently in Scripture this legal principle is appealed to: Dt. 19:15; 17:6;
Num. 35:30; Mt.l8:16;2Cor.l3:l;lTim.5:19