A solitary place. The list of passages where the Lord
sought solitude is impressive: 1:35-37; 3:7, 9, 20, 21; 4:35-38; 6:31; 7:17, 18,
24; 8:10, 11, 27; 9:30; 10:32; 14:32.
And there prayed. Other examples of prayer at night:
Ps.119:62; Lam.2:19; Lk.11:5; Mt.26:39-46; Acts.16:25. Here praying doubtless
about the tension already set up in his ministry between preaching and
Followed after him. The verb is singular, indicating
that Peter was the moving spirit in this pursuit.
The next towns. The word implies smaller places than
Capernaum, which was a “city”.
In their synagogues, not in the market-places -- a
strictly religious, and not political, campaign.
Heal me. The Greek aorist implies: right away; hence v.
42: “immediately”.
Touched him. Mt. 8:15 s.w. and its parallel in Mk.
1:31, krateo, might suggest a firm grip (as also in Jn. 20:17). Both
Elijah and Elisha contracted technical defilement by contact with the dead; 1
Kgs 17:21; 2 Kgs 4:34.
He straitly charged him. This very unusual Greek word
describes the snort of a horse or the roar of a lion. It certainly seems to
suggest indignation; 14:5; Mt. 9:30; Jn. 11:33, 38. In LXX Lam. 2:6; Dan. 11:30;
and in some versions: Jer. l0:10; 15:17; Ps. 76:7.
Say nothing to any man. This became the
Lord’s settled policy for most of his ministry: 1:34; 5:43; 7:36; 8:26;
Mt. 9:30; 17:9; 12:16 (one exception, and for good reason: Mk. 5:19). But in the
last few months, a marked change: Jn. 9:3; 11:4; 7:37; Mt. 21:1-11.
For a testimony unto them (the priests). There might be
a hint of rebuke here: 6:11; 13:9. Was Jesus so urgent because he feared that
the priests, hearing about the miracle before the man came might out of spite
refuse to accredit it as a genuine healing?
Blaze abroad the matter. Literally: spread the word.
This might mean the word Jesus had spoken: “I will. Be thou clean.”
They came to him. Greek: they kept on coming.
When it was day. Literally: day coming on. Contrast Mk:
deep in the night. Cp. the apparent contradiction in the resurrection
narratives: Jn. 20:1; Mk. 16:2. No contradiction really. Lots of people set off
for work in the dark and arrive there in daylight.
Stayed him. The word implies persistent and strong
attempts to keep him there.
/ must. Other examples in Lk. 9:22; 17:25; 22:37; 24:7,
26, 44; Acts. 3:21; 17:3. This little Greek Word del (= it is necessary)
merits attention. It is there also in ls. 50:4 LXX.
He preached. The form of the word suggests a sustained
campaign through the area. This verse covers a period of weeks at
The synagogues of Galilee, some modern versions read
“Judaea”. This is grossly misleading; even if textually correct
(which is very doubtful), it must allude to the little Judah by Jordan (Josh.
19:34) which commemorated Judah’s special connection with Manasseh; 1 Chr.