Peter’s house. Even if the Lord’s own
family had moved to Capernaum about this time, there are hints that Jesus used
Peter’s home as his real headquarters, so far as he had any; 17:24,
Touched her hand. Mark’s equivalent is:
“grasped her hand”. This helps to modify the meaning of Jn. 20:17,
and to make it more intelligible.
Brought. Very cleverly (if that word may be allowed
without offence) Mt. employs here a word of double meaning; it also means
“to bring as a sacrifice to the altar.” Thus there
is not only the idea of our Lord’s divine status, but also that these sick
folk besides being carried to him were also dedicated to his praise.
Possessed with devils... cast out the spirits.
Lk’s equivalent:
Sick with divers diseases, and he healed them. Note
also Mt’s own parallel in v. 1 7.
Healed all. This “all” comes from ls. 53:6.
Other mass healings: 4:24; 12:15; 14:35, 36.
Bore our sicknesses. The double meaning
mentioned in the text comes in markedly here -- at personal cost, now in the
tearing of compassionate soul, possibly in draining his energies, and
certainly looking forward to his bearing of sin at Golgotha.
When they were come. This word “come”,
twice repeated (Gk) might possibly imply that Peter (the “author” of
this gospel) had not been to the synagogue -- kept at home by the
Fever. The likely alternative to typhus is
Took her by the hand. “The steps of a man are
ordered by the Lord ... He upholdeth him with his hand” (Ps. 37:23, 24).
So also Mk. 5:41; 9:27. This double miracle -- (a) fever gone; (b) no continuing
weakness -- is matched by Lk. 5:5, 6; Jn. 9:7, 9; Mt. 8:26; Acts 3:7,
She ministered unto them. So also others who know
themselves healed by Christ will be glad to express their gratitude in
Cp. Mark’s other early pictures of growing crowds: 1:37,
45; 2:2, 13, 15; 3:7-10, 20, 32.