18) Gog Of The Land Of Magog
Ezekiel 38, 39
For over a century this unique prophecy in
Ezekiel 38, 39 have been the sheet-anchor of all the political expectations
built round the prophecies of the time of the end. The main ideas educed from it
seem to be unshakable. At the same time the fact has to be faced that the
enthusiasm of expositors has often run away with them. Now and then the handling
of this prophecy has been quite unworthy of the stark grandeur of its theme. And
it has to be admitted that even the most balanced and cautious attempts at
elucidation of its details look in need of overhaul in the light of the
altogether unexpected turn of events since 1948.
The biggest of the many mistakes that have been
made is in the interpretation of the details of this Scripture by the help of
ancient maps, political geography, and newspaper articles, rather than by
Scripture itself. This kind of emphasis should always be accepted with
considerable caution.
The identification of Gog with Russia appears to
be fairly secure. That this is an allusion to Gugu, a Scythian king mentioned in
a Babylonian inscription, seems reasonable; and the Scythians most likely
inhabited all the area round the Black Sea. But a safer means of identification
is the expression in 38: 15: “thou shalt come forth from thy place out of
the uttermost parts of the north” (RV). From the standpoint of one
in Palestine this expression most obviously refers to Turkey or Russia, yet even
this conclusion loses some of its inevitability when one encounters the same
expression in Isaiah 14: 13 (RV) regarding the king of Babylon!
The suggestion, once very popular, that Magog is
Germany, is a pure guess, completely devoid of all Biblical support. The obvious
meaning in Ezekiel would seem to be that Magog is the land the great leader,
Gog, comes from.
Meschech and Tubal quite demonstrably are not
Moscow and Tobolsk. In Ezekiel 27: 13 they are listed among the many nations
and peoples trading with Tyre. But that city of commerce traded only with the
peoples of its own hinterland, like Damascus, Sheba, and Dedan, which had
caravan routes reaching to the sea, and with those regions overseas which could
be reached by their intrepid sailors — Javan, Carthage, Tarshish, and the
isles of Elishah. But Moscow and Tobolsk fall into neither category. It is
difficult to envisage in what way those remote places could maintain a trade
with Tyre in slaves and vessels of
This identification rests solely on similarity of sound — a precarious
foundation! By such a method it would be as reasonable to equate Gomer with
Wales (Cymri). How much confident dogmatism has gone into the equation of Rosh
with Russia for exactly the same reason and no other’ Yet rosh is
one of the commonest of Hebrew words. In all its hundreds of occurrences it
is correctly translated “head” or “chief.” Then how can
anyone be sure that in this single place it should be treated as a proper
The Ethiopia mentioned in the Gogian confederacy
is not necessarily modern Abyssinia. The Hebrew name is “Cush,”
which is the ordinary word for “black.” As a geographical name it
has more than one application. It may refer to an eastern Cush, the land of the
black mountains (Genesis 10: 6-8); or to Midian, the land of black tents
(Habakkuk 3: 7); or to the Sudan, the land of black people. From the context in
Ezekiel 38 it is difficult to say with confidence which of the three is
Attempts have often been made to include France
in the list of invaders, as Gomer or Togarmah, but this seems to be the result
of wishful thinking or guesswork more than the fruits of Bible
It would be, no doubt, both interesting and
highly desirable to identify with certainty all the members of this military
alliance, but the present state of knowledge counsels caution in this matter.
The main point is clear and incontrovertible — a mighty invasion of the
land of Israel from the north is indicated here.
Both the identification and the character of
“Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish” have about them the
same elements of uncertainty. The equation of all three with Britain, for many
years asserted with supreme confidence, now (1969) begins to look slightly sick
in the light of modern politics and the events of the past twenty years.
“Perfidious Albion,” which has systematically and cravenly broken
all its promises to the Jews in a spineless attempt to keep friends with
oil-rich Arabs, has, as its reward, achieved only promotion from a first-rate to
a third-rate power in record time. The “toothless bulldog” is feared
by none and respected by few. Its economic, political and social decay has
become the best possible modern exemplification of one of the greatest truths in
history: “Him that curseth thee, I will
Yet it has to be conceded that these facts in
themselves do not rule out as hopeless the old familiar interpretation. Over the
centuries God has brought about many strange and sudden transformations in the
political scene, and the same thing could happen again, even though at the time
of writing there is not on the horizon a cloud even as big as a man’s
The real criterion is still the evidence from
Scripture — and a re-examination of this does not go far to allay
It seems pretty certain that there was both an
eastern (2 Chronicles 9: 21 and 20: 37) and a western (Jonah 1: 3; Ezekiel 27:
12) Tarshish. If the former is India, as seems most likely, there is little help
towards identification with Britain, for the ties of both India and Pakistan
with the old imperial power are now about as tenuous as they could be. Also,
both are militarily innocuous, and the latter is strongly, almost violently,
antagonistic to Israel. Nor does the fact that Phoenicians traded with England
prove that country to be the western Tarshish, for the Phoenicians certainly
traded also with Spain, a country far more rich than Britain in “silver,
iron, tin, and lead.”
In any case the phrase “merchants of
Tarshish” is not bound to mean “merchants who live in
Tarshish.” It may simply mean “merchants who trade with
Tarshish,” and thus may indicate the much more local commercial power of
Tyre. From this point of view it might be simpler to say that the merchants of
Tarshish represent U.S.A. rather than Britain, though in that case all the usual
supporting evidences educed from the familiar passages about both eastern and
western Tarshish becomes not only valueless but a real hindrance. The passages
listed above positively refuse to fit in with such a view.
“All the young lions” of Tarshish is
another detail long overdue for re-examination. Even when the British Empire was
at the height of its grandeur the application of these words to dominions and
colonies, whilst apparently obvious enough, had precious little Biblical
foundation to rest on. Why, one wonders, was the evidence of Ezekiel 19:2-6 on
this point so consistently overlooked through several generations? There the
young lions are the princes of the house of Judah (compare the way in which the
greatest scion of that house is called “the Lion of the tribe of
Judah,” and see also Genesis 49:9). Is it likely that Ezekiel would use
the identical symbol with two widely differing meanings? More probably, surely,
the expression describes either certain outstanding national leaders associated
with Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish or, possibly, the great
Jewish merchant princes who carry such influence in the world of
At one time and another much has been made of the
phrase: “Art thou come to take a spoil and to take a prey?”
If indeed the word “come” requires that the speaker be actually
present in the invaded land or in close proximity to it, then modern
developments and present prospects both make reference to a defensive challenge
by Britain decidedly difficult.
Again, Sheba and Dedan have been glibly replaced
by modern Muscat and Aden. Even if this assumption were warranted (which it
certainly is not), one would be left wondering why these somewhat obscure
corners of British influence (if they can be so described today!) should be
picked out as the foremost way of identifying the protector of Israel in the
Last Days.
In any case, the Bible evidence concerning Sheba
and Dedan altogether disallows the conclusion, which has been so often
uncritically reached.
Ezekiel 25: 13 and Jeremiah 49: 8 and 25: 23
pointedly associate Dedan with Edom and Teman, which were certainly located to
the immediate south and south-east of Israel, and not in the remote corners of
the Arabian peninsula.
Concerning Sheba, there is at least one clear-cut
line of evidence, which makes identification with the southern corner of Arabia
highly unlikely. Lamentations 4: 21 identifies the land of Uz, where Job lived,
with Edom. Mention of Eliphaz the Temanite supports this. The Sabeans who raided
Job’s oxen and asses were actually, according to the original Hebrew text,
men of
(see Job 1: 15 RVm). If Sheba is in the extreme south of Arabia, then these
raiders had travelled across nearly a thousand miles of desert to capture beasts
with which they had almost no hope of getting home —another thousand
miles! Such considerations require that Sheba be placed along with Dedan in the
northern part of the Arabian Desert. And now where is the ground for
identification with either Britain or America? The modernising of “Sheba,
Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish” with Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria
is at least as likely as the more familiar alternatives, especially in
the light of the Septuagint reading “Arabs” for
In recent years a completely different
interpretation of the passage under examination has been canvassed. Instead of
the words: “Art thou come to take a spoil ...?” being read as a
challenge and a rebuff to the northern invader, they can be taken to mean:
“You are going to invade Israel and profit from its prosperity? then we
will join you in this and share in the plunder.” Such an interpretation is
not impossible, and would certainly accord well with the historic character of
the Arab races in their dealings with Israel.
So far the net outcome of the present
investigation is to leave the main idea of the traditional interpretation of
Ezekiel 38 where it was, but to throw some doubt on the soundness of many of the
details associated with that exposition.
There remains another important aspect of the
prophecy, which has hardly had the serious consideration that it deserves, even
though it is suggested more than once in the writings of Dr. Thomas. The
assumption is often made, indeed it is usually taken as almost axiomatic, that
this Gog-Magog invasion will take place before the coming of the Lord and will
actually be the most clear-cut sign available to the saints that his return will
happen almost immediately. Is there any single argument which points clearly to
this conclusion? Certainly there are several difficulties in the way of such a
view and these are considerations, which cease to be difficulties if the
prophecy is read, as having application to the time after Jesus has
become King of the Jews in Jerusalem. These arguments, which have been discussed
at greater length
are listed here briefly for convenience:
- Israel dwelling securely. Can this ever be true of Israel
whilst ringed round by hostile Arab
- “Dwelling without walls, and having
neither bars nor gates.” The words have never shewn any sign of being true
since 1948, nor — by ordinary judgement — can they be until Arab
enemies become friends or subjects.
- “To take a
spoil and to take a prey.” In itself the small state of Israel is a prize
not worth grabbing by any greater power. It is true that the geographic
situation of Israel would make it a prize worth having, but the prophecy does
not hint at geographical advantage. Instead: “cattle and goods,”
i.e. material wealth. But once their Messiah rules over Israel, their material
prosperity will be evident to all the world. And if meantime the world has been
ravaged by nuclear war, famine and pestilence (Matthew 24: 7), the contrast with
the rest of the world will be all the greater.
- The
language used to describe the destruction of Gog and his army (39: 17) is quoted
in Revelation 19: 17, 18 concerning the judgement meted out by him whose name is
King of kings and Lord of lords. For those who believe in letting Scripture
interpret Scripture, this and point 4 will be
- The phrase “dwelling securely” is
applied in Ezekiel 34: 28, 24, 25 and in Zechariah 14: 11 to the time when the
kingdom is established.
- With the alternative
concept—an invasion of the Land before the Lord’s coming, the
sequence of ideas in Ezekiel 37, 38 has to be completely
- Valley of dry bones—Israel’s
final time of trouble.
- The nation united in the
- Their Messiah ruling over them; God’s
sanctuary in the midst of them.
- The invasion from the
north when Israel are in peace and
Admittedly, chronological sequence cannot be
insisted on in prophecies of the Last Days; e.g. Zechariah 12-14: “in that
day,” Isaiah’s “Little Apocalypse,” chapters 24-26; the
book of Revelation itself. But in Ezekiel 37, 38 the detailed parallel with
Ezekiel 34 requires strict sequence.
- “I will set up one Shepherd over
- “My servant David a prince among
- “And I will make with them a
covenant of peace.”
- “I the Lord will be
their God ...”
- “and they, the house of
Israel, my people.”
- “I will bring them out
from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them into
their own land.”
- “And they shall dwell
safely in the wilderness (i.e. the open country; compare without walls,
having neither bars nor gates).”
The first six of these seven quotations from
Ezekiel 34 are found almost word for word in Ezekiel 37: 22-27. But the last is
repeated in 38: 8, 11. The conclusion seems to be inescapable that since in
chapter 34: 23-31 the prophet is picturing the blessedness of Israel when
Messiah’s kingdom is fully established, the same is true in chapter 37, 38
— including the expression “dwell safely.” And since another
common meaning of the Hebrew phrase is: “dwell in trust (in
God),” this is probably how it should read here, emphasizing the
conversion of Israel.
One difficulty in the way of this conclusion
(that the Gog-Magog invasion happens after the return of Christ) is more
apparent than real: “After that they have borne their shame, and all their
trespasses whereby they have trespassed against me, when they dwelt safely in
their land, and none made them afraid.”
This seems to indicate that Israel must suffer
for their sins at the hands of Gog. Yet it need not. “They shall bear
their shame” (RV) may mean repentance and acknowledgement of unworthiness
rather than the suffering of punishment. In other words, this passage is
equivalent to the familiar words of Zechariah 12: 10, which tells of a
repentance of Israel not only before Messiah’s coming but even more
poignantly afterwards.
It should be noted that there is no hint in
Ezekiel 38, 39 that Israel suffers in any way from the northern invasion.
“As a cloud to cover the land ... to take a spoil and to take a
prey” describes intention. There is no lasting achievement. No sooner is
the land over-run than it is delivered by divine power.
The language of 39: 3 seems to require this
conclusion: “I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause
thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.” This is a picture of an
invader still in action with his weapons of offence when he is annihilated. Thus
any interpretation, which requires Gog’s occupation of the Land to last
for several years, or even months, must be disallowed.
[20] A similar
argument based on Ezekiel 32:26 goes further to eliminate this
[21] And in the
Hebrew text, the second word here is much stronger than the
[22] The word
for Sabeans is written quite differently.
[23] “The
Last Days” chapter 1.