17) “All Nations Gathered Before Him”
Matthew 25
The Lord’s Olivet prophecy of the Last
Things includes the most detailed picture of the Judgement, which Scripture
presents. Yet one detail has served to confuse students of this chapter more
than any other. Because Jesus said: “Before him shall be gathered all
nations,” the conclusion has often been reached that Matthew 25: 31-46 is
not the judgement of the Lord’s own servants to which, for example, Paul
alluded when he wrote: “we must all appear before the judgement seat of
Christ.” Instead, it is assumed, this is a national judgement in
which the nations are held accountable for their attitude to the Jews —
“my brethren.” This Judgement is taken as a final outworking
of the divine principle which Abraham learned: “I will bless them that
bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee.”
There are serious difficulties in the way of this
interpretation. For instance:
- If this view is correct, then the doctrine of a judgement on a
national basis rests on this Bible passage only, and it a highly
debatable one, as it is hoped to demonstrate by and by. The precarious nature of
conclusions that have only one (sic!) Scripture to support them has been
demonstrated over and over again. Every sect in Christendom sins against this
canon of Bible interpretation. It is a habit, which Christadelphians must ever
be vigilant against. Nowhere else in the Bible is such a “national”
judgement described or even hinted at. So enthusiasts for this particular
interpretation of Matthew 25 should hesitate before they achieve dogmatism
regarding it. “A doctrine which is based on one text of Scripture will
generally be found to rest on no text at all. It is our duty to expound the
dark places of Scripture by the clear ones, and to interpret the
single texts of Scripture by the whole proportion of Faith” (C.
- The mind boggles at the idea of a
national judgement. How can it be applied? And if it can, then will it
not inevitably involve a tremendous element of unfairness—by God Himself
who says: “Come, let us reason together?” If the basis of judgement
is to be that mentioned earlier—a nation’s attitude to the
Jews—then what of nations, which have had no contact worth mentioning with
the Jews? — Fiji Islanders, Eskimos, Hottentots. And what of nations which
have changed again and again in their treatment of God’s ancient people?
In the reign of king John, England was outstanding in its persecution of the
seed of Abraham; in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries she set the world a
shining example of humanitarian treatment of them; in the period 1920-1950, the
shameful thirty years, this country broke its promises to the Jews and indulged
its administrators’ prejudices against them to an extent that made
imperial downfall inevitable. Then if the coming of the Lord takes place, say,
in 1980, what kind of assessment will be made of this country’s worth? Or
must such judgement depend on what a particular nation does to the Jews in the
last few years before the Lord returns?
- More than this,
is it not obvious that nations are not morally all of one piece? Again, England
in its year of grace 1969 is a striking illustration of the difficulty. In
recent years no nation has thrown itself into moral decline and decay with the
same dramatic thoroughness that this nation now exemplifies. Yet unquestionably
it still has an unvocal core of wholesome good-living people (and the
world’s biggest colony of Christadelphians) with a decent humane attitude
to the Jews, and with reverence for the Bible. Then if the English are to
receive judgement as a nation in the Last Day, either the godless are going to
be wonderfully blessed for the sake of the Bible-loving minority or the
wholesome section of the nation is going to be dragged down to undeserved
degradation and punishment because of the rest. It is all very
- In the details cited in this Matthew 25
picture of judgement, the actions commented on are only too obviously those of
individuals to individuals, not of nations: giving food and drink to the needy,
helping the sick, giving hospitality, visiting the miserable in prison. Some of
these beneficent acts may be possible on a national scale, but certainly not all
- A further difficulty is this. The ground for
rejection is not hatred or persecution (of the Jews) but just lack of positive
good-will towards those designated “my brethren.” As a basis for
national reprobation this is somewhat difficult to
Over against these unresolved problems there can
be set a number of positive arguments which seem to favour or even require that
the entire passage be read as describing the judgement of the saints in Christ,
those who are “his brethren” and whose final destiny is
declared when they “come forth ... unto the resurrection of life or ... to
the resurrection of condemnation.”
- The passage itself seems to be decisive: “Then shall the
King say to them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the
kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” These words
can describe only one set of people—those who are the spiritual seed of
Abraham, who have been chosen according to the gracious divine purpose in Christ
before the world began (Ephesians 1: 4). To apply this passage to any but these
is to debase the meaning of Bible words. The “national judgement”
theory comes to grief here immediately.
- “When saw
we thee hungry, thirsty, sick, in prison, and did not minister unto
thee” are the words of people very conscious of having lived lives of
“Christian service.” Ignorant nations of the world could not express
themselves in such terms. These are the words of men intent on justifying
themselves by amassing good works to their own
- The phrase “Inasmuch as ye have done it
unto one of the least of these my brethren...” only makes sense if
“these my brethren” are present at the judgement. Indeed, by far the
most natural interpretation is to take them as meaning the approved already set
on his right hand.
- The accompanying parables — the
faithful and unfaithful stewards, the wise and foolish virgins, the servants
with the talents — all emphasize the theme of personal responsibility to
“the Bridegroom,” “the lord of the servants.” Is it
likely then that the last sixteen verses of this discourse switch suddenly to
dealing with an altogether different principle — that of national
- The Greek text of verse 32 strongly
suggests the idea of individual responsibility. The grammatical point is
somewhat technical and therefore not easy to explain without a lot of jargon. In
Greek, as in nearly all languages, a plural noun takes a plural verb. But Greek
has one marked exception to this rule. When the plural noun is neuter gender,
the verb is singular. A good example of this is Revelation 1: 4: “the
seven Spirits which is before his throne.” Here “Spirits,”
being neuter plural in Greek, is correctly followed by the word “is”
(singular). The translators have rightly turned it into the plural
Similarly in Matthew 25: 32, the phrase
“before him shall be gathered all nations” should normally have the
verb in the singular form because “nations” is neuter plural (in
Greek). Yet the verb is actually plural. It would seem that the words include a
grammatical solecism for the sake of emphasizing (by the plural verb) that this
judgement is to be on an individual basis.
A further detail serves to corroborate this
conclusion. “And he shall separate them one from another...”
should normally have the word “them” in neuter form to agree with
the neuter word “nations”; yet in fact the pronoun is masculine, as
though yet again to bring out emphasis on individual people.
- The similarity between the Lord’s parabolic
language about sheep and goats and the powerful prophecy of judgement in Ezekiel
34 is not to be missed (see especially verses 17, 20). This resemblance is not
accidental. But Ezekiel 34 is about God’s judgement of unworthiness in
Israel, not among the surrounding nations. It would seem evident from
Matthew 25 that Jesus was declaring the extension of the same principle of
judgement to his spiritual Israel also. This is reasonable. But to pick up a
prophecy about Israel and apply it to Gentile nations in their friendship or
hatred of Israel is surely a dislocation not so easy to
- There are several examples in the Old Testament
of the word “nations” being used in the sense of “people out
of all nations”; e.g. Psalm 9: 17: “The wicked shall return
(Hebrew) into Sheol, even all the nations that forget God.” The word
“return” implies that there has been a resurrection. And the word
“forget” strongly suggests that this verse pictures the fate of
those responsible to the God of heaven and yet neglectful of His
A much more appropriate example is Isaiah 25: 7:
“And he will destroy in this mountain (Zion, where Christ sits on the
throne of his glory) the face of the covering that is cast over all people,
and the vail that is spread over all nations.” The next verse
dearly shews that saints out of all nations are meant, for it is for them
that the Lord “will swallow up death in victory.” There is
Paul’s authority for this interpretation in 1 Corinthians 15:
With such a case, both positive and negative,
regarding this judgement passage in Matthew 25 should there not be considerable
reluctance to promulgate the idea of a judgement of the nations? Or has some
evidence the other way been overlooked? Are there other places in Scripture,
which teach such a doctrine? It would be interesting to know.