Money. These holy men understood the power of money!
The word is, literally, silver, it suggests the vast fund which
accumulated from the regular Jewish payment of the half-shekel (Ex. 30:13-1 5)
— the atonement money!
This lie carried with it an open admission that the tomb was
known to be empty! In one apocryphal gospel Annas and Caiaphas are represented
as saying that the disciples bribed the soldiers to let them take the body away,
and that then they buried it in the bed of a river. This is an even more paltry
The word some is important here. It implies that others
in that band were not prepared to connive at any deceitful collaboration with
the chief priests. See ch. 225. Here, also, in the conviction of truth about
Jesus in the minds of some of the soldiers lies the explanation of the source of
Matthew's details in these verses.
RV: Come to a hearing before the governor It didn't.
Pilate was already thoroughly fed up with this case.
Persuade him, by another bribe, of course
When they saw him,- cp. v.7,9,10; 26:32.
... some doubted Not the 1 2, but some among the 500; 1
Cor. 15:6.
All power Dan. 7:13,14; Lk, 10:22; Eph. 1:10; Phil.
2:9,10; Heb. 2:8; 1 Pet. 3:22.
Is given; aorist, and Hebraism: was appointed, i.e.
long ago.
There is some resemblance here to Dan. 7:1 4 LXX.