Are there few... ? Lk's expression here may be a
Hebraism for an emphatic negative; cp. Heb. 4:5.
When once.The Gk. phrase is notably indeterminate. No
one knows when this will be (Mk. 13:32).
And hath shut to the door. This is the only occurrence
of this verb in NT or LXX. No other door is so tight shut as this. Yet there is
one way to get it open: 1 Kgs 8:35,36. The mini-parable sketched here is hardly
true to life.
He shall say. ln Mt. 7:23, "profess", which in that
context must surely mean "speak plainly."
And all the prophets, men who bore faithful witness to
Christ and to his kingdom; Acts 3:21; 10:43; Lk.24:27; and note Jn.
Thrust out This Gk. word seems to imply inclusion for a
time, only to be ejected as unworthy; cp. Is. 65:20c; 66:24; Mt.
They shall come. This Gk. word is beautifully chosen,
for it seems always to imply divine action. For idea, cp. Mt. 24:31
Sit down; s.w.Mt. 14:19;contrastv.25:"stand".
As phrased this does not mean that o//the last will be first,
nor all the first last.