A shower; s.w. in Dt. 32:2 LXX only; and "heavens and
earth" (v.56) comes in v.1. Note that this Dt. 32 is one of the most complete
"Israel" prophecies in the O.T.
Heal. Gk: /rooson. Note the parable in its only other
occurrence: Jas.1:11
In Ant. 18.3.2. Josephus describes a very similar incident.
The same?
Suppose ye? This rather implies: "You are sure, are
Galileans. Verse 5: Jerusalem. The entire nation in a
spirit of rebellion and under judgment.
Repent. The verb is continuous; i.e. maintain your
Likewise perish. Context (at end of Lk. 12) strongly
supports the reading of this incident given here.
The tower in Siloam. The Lord seems to imply that these
two grim incidents are really examples of God's graciousness in giving strong
warning of worse judgment to come; cp. Gen. 6:7,8; 18:24; Jon. 3:4; 2 Pet. 3:9.
Was he also hinting at a lesson to be learned from Jud. 8:8,9? Note also in Jud.
9:51 a tower being used as a centre of rebellion.
Fig tree: a frequent symbol of national Israel &
its law; Matthew 21:19; 24:32; Micah 7:1; Hosea 9:10; Joel 1:7; Jeremiah 24;
Ps.80:8-17. Note also Rev. 6:13; Is. 34:4 (8); Hab. 3:17; Nah. 3:12; Lk. 17:6;
This year also. Is there allusion here to Lev.
And if not. Gk: mege here is very sardonic. It
expresses Christ's own pessimism.
Thou shalt cut it down. It is not uncommon to hear
A.D.70 spoken of as a "coming" of Christ; yet so far as one can discover this
conclusion is invariably the result of very indirect inference from shady
premises. Is there one explicit statement to this effect?