A. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he hath visited and
redeemed his people.
B. And hath raised up a horn of salvation for us...
C. As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets...
D. That we should be saved from our enemies...
E. To perform the mercy promised to our fathers...
E. The oath which he sware to our father Abraham.
D. That we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies...
C. And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the
B. To give knowledge of salvation unto his people...
A. Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring
from on high hath visited us.
The naming of the child at circumcision springs from Gen.
17:5, 13, 14.
None of thy kindred. Therefore Zacharias was not
closely related to the ruling family of chief priests, for amongst them there
was a John; Acts 4:6.
His tongue loosed. With this, and v. 69, compare Ez.
Blessed be the Lord God... Is this Ps. 72:18 (see v. 14
also), or 106:48 (see v. 4,45 also)?
Horn of salvation. Another Hannah allusion, (1 Sam.
2:10)? or, as seems more likely in this case, Ps. 18:2? The latter probably,
for v. 71,74 also link with 18:17 and the psalm title.
The mercy. Parallelism here shows clearly that this is
a synonym for God’s Promises; Ps. 105:8,9; 106:45.
Remember is passive; i.e. God being
“reminded”. The Covenant Name is often called God’s
Verses 72,73 echo particularly the splendid Mic.
Gk: And thou also; i.e. John to continue the glorious
line of prophetic witnesses; v. 70.
Prepare his ways; Is. 40:3; Mal. 3:1.
Knowledge of salvation; i.e. of Jesus; 3:6; 19:9;Jn.
To his people, who were sure they already had this
Tender mercy. The promise about Christ (see v.
To give light, with reference to
“dayspring” meaning “dawn”; cp. Mal. 4:1.
pen. The Gk. word implies a helping hand, rather like
Simon’s help with the cross of Christ.