A. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he hath visited and
redeemed his people. |
B. And hath raised up a horn of salvation for us...
C. As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets... |
D. That we should be saved from our enemies... |
E. To perform the mercy promised to our fathers... |
E. The oath which he sware to our father Abraham. |
D. That we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies...
C. And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the
Highest... |
B. To give knowledge of salvation unto his people... |
A. Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring
from on high hath visited us. |
59. |
The naming of the child at circumcision springs from Gen.
17:5, 13, 14. |
61. |
None of thy kindred. Therefore Zacharias was not
closely related to the ruling family of chief priests, for amongst them there
was a John; Acts 4:6. |
64. |
His tongue loosed. With this, and v. 69, compare Ez.
29:21. |
68. |
Blessed be the Lord God... Is this Ps. 72:18 (see v. 14
also), or 106:48 (see v. 4,45 also)? |
69. |
Horn of salvation. Another Hannah allusion, (1 Sam.
2:10)? or, as seems more likely in this case, Ps. 18:2? The latter probably,
for v. 71,74 also link with 18:17 and the psalm title. |
72. |
The mercy. Parallelism here shows clearly that this is
a synonym for God’s Promises; Ps. 105:8,9; 106:45. |
Remember is passive; i.e. God being
“reminded”. The Covenant Name is often called God’s
“memorial”. |
Verses 72,73 echo particularly the splendid Mic.
7:20. |
76. |
Gk: And thou also; i.e. John to continue the glorious
line of prophetic witnesses; v. 70. |
Prepare his ways; Is. 40:3; Mal. 3:1. |
77. |
Knowledge of salvation; i.e. of Jesus; 3:6; 19:9;Jn.
4:22. |
To his people, who were sure they already had this
knowledge. |
78. |
Tender mercy. The promise about Christ (see v.
72). |
79. |
To give light, with reference to
“dayspring” meaning “dawn”; cp. Mal. 4:1. |
pen. The Gk. word implies a helping hand, rather like
Simon’s help with the cross of Christ. |