Barbara Booker
Ruth - A Love Story

Table of Contents

They put the sleeping bundle of life into my arms and as I gazed upon him through aged eyes, I remembered...

I remembered another baby a long, long time ago.

I, the new mother, had placed my son in another pair of old arms; and I remembered how Naomi’s face had glowed with joy at the sight of him, my little Obed.

And now, much greater in years than Naomi had been, I, Ruth, widow of Boaz, held my seventh great-grandson, David... and.. I remembered...

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

I remember it all — now as I gaze upon this new bundle of life, this my latest great-grandson, David...

David, son of Jesse, son of Obed, son of Boaz and Ruth, son of Salmon and Rahab... son of Abraham... and son of Israel!

And I have the strange and powerful feeling, at what must be nearly the end of a very long and full life, that something fresh and new and wonderful is just beginning.

Contact John Mannell