Came first Gk: protos means first of more than
two. Thus it is implied that Mary followed; v.11.
Did outrun Peter, and in faith also.
linen clothes. This assumes that Mt. 28:13 is known.
Body stealers would not trouble to unwrap the body.
Stooping down. Souter's lexicon defines the meaning:
'stretch forward the head to catch a glimpse; or peep; or peer in.' Cp. its
interesting use in Gen. 26:8 LXX, Jas, 1:25; and especially 1 Pet, 1:12, as
though suggesting that angels had preceded the two apostles in this exciting
exercise, and are still as eager (in a less literal sense).
Seeth. The words used about John and Peter are
different. Peter stared s.w. verses 12, 14. John saw with new enlightenment.
Went into. The Gk. is emphatic: went right in.
Gk- from upon his head. Contrast 11:44: Gk. perf
The phrase in a place by itself suggests a special place.
The words for wrapped and lying point to a distinction
here of both appearance and meaning.
The napkin upon (Gk.) his head was separate. Then what
price the Turin shroud? The details of this passage, and also Rom. 1:4; 6:4; 1
Pet. 3:18; Mt. 3:16, suggest a Jesus immortal from the moment of
That other disciple, which came first. Why does John
say this twice? is it so important? Indeed, why does he say it at all?
believed Jesus to be risen; cp. v.25, 27, 29. In view
of this economy of words, the repetition just mentioned is the more remarkable.
In this verse, John is careful to emphasise that he was the first of those
blessed disciples who believed without seeing (v.29). Note how conviction came
to others (a) Mary; (b) the apostles,- (c) the two at Emmaus; (d)
Knew not; s.w. 13:12. Consider Mt. 16:21; 17:9-23;
He must rise again Gk: it is necessary: (a) because
foretold in OT; (b) "raised again for our justification The word must
mean- it was necessary.
Unto their own home - and not go and tell all the
fellow-disciples they could reach? (Mt. 28:7). Surely not so. It is more likely
that this masculine plural means: 'to their own (friends)'