The first day of the week. It was 16th Nisan, the
anniversary of Gen. 8:4 and Ex. 14:20.
Came. Remarkably, a singular verb with plural nouns, is
this to put the emphasis on Mary Magdalene, or to indicate their complete
unaniminity of spirit?
The other Mary. See ch.229, and Mark 1 6:1.
For, indicating that the reason for the earthquake was
not either "natural causes" nor the resurrection of Jesus, but the coming of an
angel of glory.
An angel...from heaven. Apparently another pleonasm, as
in 27:63 (see note), for whence else might an angel come down? Perhaps the
phrase is intended to steer the reader away from reading angel as meaning a
human messenger.
The details here must have been supplied by one of the
soldiers, surely; v.l la.
The appearance of this angel matches in some respect that of
the angel seen by Daniel in 1 0:6ff, where note:
lightning ... a guard ... quaking fell upon them ... they
fled., in a deep sleep upon my face.
His countenance. This word is unique in the NT, but is
the exact equivalent of appearance, vision, in Dan. 1 0:1,1 8. These
echoes of Daniel's experience might suggest that whereas some of the soldiers
fled in terror, others bowed in worship.