Wrote unto us. "Us" emphasizes Sadducee acceptance of
the Pentateuch above the rest of the Old Testament. Note the Lord's scornful
comment on this when he quotes back at them the witness of Exodus: "that which
was spoken unto you" (Mt.22 :31).
Raise up Gk. ex-anistemi, whence
ex-anastasis, the N T. word for resurrection.
The seven also The manifest artificiality of the story
comes out here. After the second or the third, would not the rest avoid the
woman like the plague?
Accounted worthy. There is a plain implication here
that these Sadducees (whose name means The Righteous) were unworthy.
Similarly the repetition (v.37) of "the God of . . ." underlines that eternal
life depends on a - personal relationship with God.
Neither die anymore. This continuation of the race by
the begetting of children will then be on absurdity.
Equal to the angels. It is scarcely credible that some
great names in the world of N .T. exposition actually read the slightly
different phrase in Mt.: "but like the angels they are in heaven." Contrast
Gen.25 :8; Josh.24:2.
The children of God, all belonging to His family and
not needing any human family.