Another parable. Mk. says 'parables', yet he records
only th'is one where Mt. has three. Cp. Ps.78 :2, and cp. also the theme of that
The time of fruit drew near. Why not "was come"? But
this phrase is true to the meaning of the parable.
Sent his servants. Mk. Lk.: a servant. But, of course,
to bring away the owner's share of fruit would need more than one man. So, one
servant in charge of the operation, and the other servants to help transport the
More than the first. Here this must surely mean
"greater than;" cp. 12 :41,42.
Sent his son. Consider David in a somewhat similar
situation: 1 Sam.25 :21,22. In Mk. theGk. text could read as though this Son
were also a Servant.
When (they) saw the son. Just as this echoes ls.53 :2,
so also in Mk. "shamefully handled" = 53 :3 LXX s.w. "despised"
They say unto him. For similar spontaneously provoked
commentary on other parables, see Lk. 19:25; 2 Sam.12:5,6. In Mk. this comment
from the crowd is emphatically repeated by Jesus himself.
Destroy those wicked men. Cp. the sequel in Is.5
:8ff-six woes against Israel. "The uniform hostility of kings, priests and
people to the Prophets is one of the most remarkable features in the history of
the Jews" (Plummer). True, but over-stated, for there were occasional honourable
The stone which the builders rejected is the same as
the stone of stumbling (Is.8 :14) and the stone laid as a foundation (Is.28 :16)
and the stone cut out of the mountain without hands (Dan.2. :34,44); v.44 here,
1Pet. l:6-8; see also "The Stone of Stumbling" (H.A.W.).
The kingdom of Cod. This and v.31 are two of the five
places where Mt. comes away from his usual phrase: kingdom of heaven.
Whosoever shall fall on this stone. Is. 8 :15 has
"many" — rabbim, rabbis!
Grind him to powder; s.w. Jer.31 :10