Came. A word common enough in Ex. Num. (LXX) to
describe drawing near to an altar or to God.
It is obvious from this verse that no primacy of Peter was
recognized at this time.
We can. Is it possible that these two had
grasped that there could be no exaltation without suffering, and that
already they had braced themselves to face it with Christ?
A baptism. Cp. the language of Ps.69 : 1,2; 42 :7; 124
:4. 40 Not mine to give. Cp. his limited powers in Mk. 13 :32; Acts 1:7.
How does the doctrine of the Trinity harmonize with this?
For whom it is prepared. This is predestination —
a fact, whether understood or not. It also implies differences of status in the
Messianic kingdom.
Accounted (worthy] to rule, Cp. the use of the same
word in Gal. 2 :2,6,9.
Exercise lordship. 1 Pet.5 :3 s.w. refers back to
43, 44.
Shall be. Future indicative used as an imperative; cp.
the Ten Commandments. .
Not to be ministered unto. Contrast Mt.4 :11; 8 :15; 27
:55; Lk.8 :3. Yet these were negligible instances compared with what Christ did
for all such?