Put out; s.w. Acts 13 :22: Saul displaced to make way
for David. Here, a similar new order.
Bill; s.w. Jn 5:47; 2 Tim. 3 :15 etc; in each place,
with reference to the Old Covenant. For the idea in this verse, cp.
A few other examples of the use of ek in Luke's gospel
are: 17:7; 22:3; 23:55; 1:71, 74, 78; 4:35, 38; 5:17; 6:42.
When ye fail (AV) is a reading which will have to be
let go. There is too much MS support for RV: "when it fails." In any case, AV
can hardly mean, in line with the parable: When you are exposed as failures
there will be a much better future for you. RV reading: "when it fails" speaks
of the day of God's rejection of the old Mosaic administration, the day when
stewardship of the gospel is put in the hands of the apostles.