That fox. Literally: this fox. But why? And like "fox",
the word "this" is feminine. Yet it need not have been, for in S.S.2.15 LXX
"foxes" occurs with a masculine adjective.
Do cures. The verb always refers to performance of a
religious duty; e.g. Heb, 8:5; 9:6; Rom. 15:28; 2 Cor. 8:6,11; Gal. 3:3.
Accepting the views already mentioned in these Studies (30 etc.) that the
healing miracles of Jesus demonstrated his authority over God's angels of evil,
this mention of demons and cures in effect says: If I have authority over such,
do I have any cause to fear lesser powers of evil such as Herod and Herodias?
Perfected; s.w. Heb. 2:10; 5:9; 10:14; 12:23; Jn.
17:23. In all of these read "consecrated", for in each of them the context is