from that time. The words express an important new
development; cp. 4:17; 26:16.
Must. Compare the power of the same imperative in
Lk.2:49; 4:43; 13:33; 17:25; 22:37; 24:7,26,44,46; Jn.3:14; 12:34; Acts.l:16;
3:21; 17:3.
The third day Mt. Lk. But Mk. has: after
three days.
Be it far from thee is literally: 'Mercy on thee',
precisely as in Is.54:8,10 LXX. If a deliberate allusion, was Peter implying:
'Isaiah prophesied an end to Israel's suffering, and you are Israel's Messiah;
therefore he foretold an end to yours also'? If so, correct!-except that Peter's
timing was wrong. Contrast Peter again in Acts.3:18.
Took him. The Gk. word means 'took either to help or to
be helped'. Here clearly, the former!
Behind me, Satan. Note the echoes of the temptation in
v. 1,8,16,26. Why does Rome appropriate to itself the lord's great blessing on
Peter, but not this repudiation?
take up his cross. Lk. 14:27 (Study 135;Mt. 10:38). The
second of these must be placed later in the ministry or even after the resu
rredion (see Study 90).
This saying was evidently spoken on four separate occasions:
Mt.10:39; 16:25 and parallels; Lk.17:33; Jn. 12:25.
Lose his life... find it. Mk adds to the paradox with
his addition: 'for my sake and the gospel's (the good news.')'. What
superbly good news that a man is called to crucifixion!
Lose s.w. Acts .27:10,21; lCor.3:15;2Cor.7:9;Phil
Here Mk. includes:
Whosoever shall be ashamed. . .
The words 'shame, ashamed are well worth following in the
concordance. Note especially Rom.1:16; 2Tim.l:8;2:12;Heb.2:11; 11:16.