There is. The dating argument from these words can be
extended by attention to 2 Pet. 1:14 and Heb. 11:17. Also, it is surely obvious
that the sustained argument against Judaism in John's gospel would hardly have
been necessary if written after A.D.70.
A pool The same pool is referred to in ls. 7:3; 22:9,
11; 36:2 and in 7:14 are the virgin and her Son, and in 7:4 LXX is the word
“sick (impotent)”.
Waiting. The Greek emphasizes expectant
An angel. The angel of the waters: Rev. 16:5, 6, which
passage gains in force by being set alongside this figure of Israel in Jn.
Stepped in. In 18 places this word means
“embark”, so perhaps “ventured” would be a more accurate
He had. Better: he was held in the grip of.
When Jesus knew... by enquiry, so the Greek might
These verses have a neat ABCDDCBA shape about them.
Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. v. 11, 12; Mk. 2:11.
This miracle was not readily forgotten; Jn. 7:23 was 18 months later.
Not lawful. So said the rabbis. But what a difference
between this and Neh. 13:151
Sin no more implies: Forsake your sin-habit. What sin,
if not that already suggested? Contrast Mk. 2:5.
Lest a worse thing befall. So, whilst this is not
necessarily always the case (Jn. 9:3; Lk. 13:2, 3), there certainly is such a
thing as a befitting retributive justice from God: Jud. 1:6, 7; Gen. 42:21; Ez.
35:6, 15; Jer. 51:49; Rev. 16:6; 11:18; 2 Kgs. 9:36; and consider the
experiences of Jacob, David and Achan.
Jesus, which had made him whole. This is surely the
only good thing about the man. It could have been: Jesus, who bade him take
up his bed. The more favourable interpretation of the man's character reads
v. 15 as an expression of his excitement at being healed (but is this adequate,
for he must have known what would ensue?). This view also reads v. 14 as a
sufficient deterrent to betrayal.
Persecute. A continuous verb, implying a trial -- in v.
Because he was doing (Gk.) these things. That verb and
the plural “things” implies that they were taking into account a lot
of other acts of Jesus. The healed man was ignored; contrast 9:34.