This paragraph, like several others in Luke, is clearly not in
its proper place chronologically. Mt., Mk. parallels establish this. See any
The people. RV: the multitudes. The plural here
probably emphasizes that there were several crowds, all different in character;
e.g. Jews from Judaea as well as Galilee, Gentiles etc.
Launch out. Jesus issued the instruction to Peter, as
skipper, but the shooting of the net involved all on board. Accordingly,
“launch out” is singular, but “let down” is
Peter’s respectful attitude implies an earlier close
association with the power and authority of Jesus, in Jn. 2,4. Later he switches
from “Master” (chief, boss) to “Kurios”
Their net was breaking (Gk.), ie. about to break. This
explains Mk. 1: 19: “mending their nets”. So the net did
Beckoned. The Gk. word signifies a jerk of the
Simon Peter. The apostle’s old and new natures
both evident in this episode.
Depart from me, for I am a sinful man. Similar
reactions when in the presence of divine glory and power: Ex. 4: 10-17;
20:18-20; ls. 6: 1-7; Jer. 1: 4-10; Ezek. 2,3; Jud. 6: 22,23; Acts 9:
3-9; Dan. 10: 7-12; Rev. 1: 13-20.
Fear not. Cp. Jn. 6: 20; Mt. 28: 5; Lk. 24: 36.
Catch. The derivation of this Gk. word suggests, as an
alternative to “catch men for life”, “gather men together
alive”(deriving possibly from ageiro). Contrast the context in Dt.
20: 16 s.w.