He departed. From the lack of mention here of the
disciples some have actually inferred that until 6: 3 (one year before the
crucifixion) they stayed in Samaria. What foolishness! A splendid example of how
argument from omission (nearly always of dubious value) can corrode a
man’s commonsense.
Jesus testified. John would surely not have written
this about Jesus without the sanction given by his Lord.
A prophet hath no honour...; eg. 1 Sam. 10: 11,12. This
reads like a good reason for not going to Galilee.
Other explanations offered besides that in the text are these:
(a) Because not honoured in Galilee, he went there for peace and quiet, (b) He
had been dishonoured in Judaea (his own country!), and therefore was glad to be
received by Samaritans and in Galilee of the Gentiles (c) The
words are here to explain why Jesus had gone to Jerusalem-because ignored in
Galilee (and hence now v. 45). (d) He must leave Samaria where he had been
honoured in order to put a big effort into Galilee where he had been ignored.
Remarkable that there should be so many different ways of reading a fairly
straight forward verse!
All the things that he did at Jerusalem. The third time
mentioned (2: 23; 3: 2), and yet no details.
Cana... where he made the water wine. John had a flair
for associating incidents and places (or people): (a) 3: 1; 7: 50; 19: 39; (b)
1: 44; 12: 21; (c) 13: 23,25; 21: 20.
Was come. This less common Greek word seems always to
be used of divine action (see concordance).
See. Was Jesus making a play on the meaning of the
man’s name? Chuza — seen by revelation from God.
It can be a rewarding exercise of the imagination to attempt a
full re- construction of this conversation. And so also in many another place,
especially where the miracles are concerned.
Began to amend suggests that the father was looking for
a gradual recovery.
The seventh hour. 19: 14 is decisive that John uses
Roman (modern) time, and not Jewish. Therefore 7 p.m.
Himself believed. See v.50. Other examples of faith
becoming a greater faith: 1: 14 with 2: 11; Ex. 14: 31; 1 Kgs 17: 24.
The second miracle. Is this John’s way of drawing
attention to one feature of the pattern of his gospel? - three miracles in
Judaea, and three in Galilee