Verses 3, 12, 13 mark the open change by Jesus from
preoccupation with home and family to his own ministry; “went down”
s.w. as Gen. 11:15; 18:21 LXX.
Not many days. In Acts 1: 5 this means ten
Money. John uses here a term of contempt.
Eaten me up. The word is used also for
“destroy” (Rev. 11: 5); cp. v. 19.
Forty and six years. Could it be that they were
following the Lord’s allusion to the Tabernacle? - 40 years in the
wilderness followed by 6 years’ conquering the Land (Josh. 14: 7,10)? Or
is it that John, years later, sees a further meaning in these words and
therefore gladly preserves the detail?
The temple of his body. The same figure is repeated in
“Tabernacled among us” (1: 14) and “In him dwelleth the
fulness (of the Glory) of the Godhead bodily” (Col. 2: 9; Ex. 40: 35). And
Is. 38: 12 also? (Hezekiah a type?). 1 Cor. 3: 16; 6: 19; 2 Cor. 6: 16 invite
further interpretation of this incident with reference to animal appetites and a
money-grubbing disposition in a life dedicated (sic!) to God.
His disciples remembered. For slow comprehension by the
disciples, see: 2: 17, 22; 4: 31-34; 6: 19; 8: 27; 11: 11-13; 12: 16; 13: 7; 14:
4-9,26; 16: 12,17; Mt. 16: 7-11; Mk. 8: 17; Lu. 22: 38; 24: 8,45. And by others:
Jn. 3: 4; 4: 10-15; 6: 34,52; 7: 33-36; 8: 22,56-58; 12: 34.
That he had said. The verb is continuous. Jesus
repeated this teaching more than once.