Zacharias. The prophecy of Zechariah (same name) is
followed by Malachi, the book of John the Baptist (3: 1; 4: 5,6).
Well stricken in years. This did not disqualify from
priesthood as long as there was physical fitness. Num. 8: 25 was deemed to apply
to Levites.
Incense. Ps. 141: 2.
Right hand. Consider Gen. 48: 11; Ez. 4: 4; Josh. 8:
30-35 (the sanctuary faced east); Lev. 1: 11. And in the NT: Rev. 5: 7; 10: 1;
Mt. 25: 33.
Joy and gladness. The identical words (in LXX) come
in Zech. 8:19, where note the rest of the paragraph, “him that is a
Jew” being Jesus.
From his mother’s womb. Cp. the Messiah;
ls.49: 1 (contrast Israel; 48: 8); Ps.22: 9,10.
Many. Contrast Ps. 110: 3: all of them.
To the Lord. Gk. implies “in dependence
Before him. Grammatically, the antecedent is
“God”. Explain as anticipating “the Lord” (end of
verse), or as divine title appropriate to God’s representative; cp. Jn.
10: 34,35; 20: 28.
Prepared. The same word, with a negative, comes in
Gen. 1:2 LXX.
Dumb. Since the two so often go together, this Gk.
word is also used for “deaf” (as in Is. 35: 6,5; 43: 8 LXX); note v.
Not able to speak. Gk. aorist implies “not a
word” (contrast Gen. 18: 12; why?). Where men are without faith the Law
has nothing to say to them, no divine blessing. But (v. 43,44) when there is
faith, the Law is quickened into new life; cp. Mt. 13: 52.
Vision. This Gk. word does not imply unreality; Lk.
24: 23; Acts 26: 19 s.w.
Speechless. He had asked for a sign, and now he had