Praise him, all ye servants of the Lord. Along with v.
20 (“ye that fear the Lord”), this is quoted in Rev. 19:5.
Ye that stand... in the courts (Psa. 122:2; 134:1). The
courts (plural) of the men, of the women, and of the Gentiles.
Sing praises unto his name; for it is pleasant. What is
pleasant? The Name, or the singing? See Psa. 147:1; 149:4.
For the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto himself, and Israel for
his peculiar treasure. “The Lord” here is Yah (as
in v. 1 also), signifying God in His redemptive might: Exod. 15:2
This verse borrows from Exod. 19:5 and Deut. 7:6. “His
peculiar treasure” (segullah) refers to the jewels, or
precious stones, in the breastplate (Exod. 28:21; cp. Mal. 3:17 —
“jewels” is segullah again). Israel was intended to be
a “kingdom of priests” (Exod. 19:6) — all the people,
and not just the house of Aaron (cp. vv. 19,20 here) being special to the Lord,
and all of them His “personal possession” — prized,
unique, and set apart from the rest (this is the significance of the Hebrew
word). See also the s.w. in Deut. 14:2 and 26:18. And, in the New Testament,
cp. 1 Pet. 2:9; Eph. 1:14; Tit. 2:14.
The conjunction of Jacob and Israel is probably
intended to suggest north and south, emphasizing the union of the whole twelve
tribes (cp. Psa. 133:3 and notes).
For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is
above all gods (Psa. 136:3; 147:5). Such a proclamation about the One God of
Israel would be intended to have special effect upon the Assyrians — and
those among Israel who were inclined to listen to their boastings about their
gods (cp. Isa. 44:9-20; Isa. 46:1-13).
Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he in heaven, and in
earth, in the seas, and all deep places. Was there a hurricane at the
terrible destruction of Sennacherib’s army (Psa. 48:7; Isa. 27:8; Hos.
He causeth the vapours to ascend. The center of a
tornado? This is quoted in Jer. 10:13; 51:16.
From the ends of the earth. Clouds coming up from the
horizon (1 Kings 18:44), or a hurricane traveling across the country?
He bringeth the wind out of his treasuries, as in Exod.
10:13,19; 14:21; 15:10; Isa. 17:13; 27:8; 32:2. Like vv. 8,9, this describes
God’s great works in Egypt.
This corresponds to Psa. 136:10,15-22.
Who smote great nations. The details are given in v.
See Num. 21:21-35; Deut. 2:30; 3:11,21.
All the kingdoms of Canaan — 31 in total (Josh.
Thy name and thy memorial. The Yahweh Name; note
the constant association of these two ideas:
“memorial”/“remembrance” and God’s Covenant Name
(e.g., Exod. 3:15).
For ever and throughout all generations. Yahweh
= future, present, and past (see Rev. 1:4,8; 11:17).
These verses amplify verse 5. They are also parallel to Psa.
115:4-8 (see notes there). The word for “idols” means “a cause
of grief”.
They have mouths. The Hebrew is aph,
nostril, expressive of a snort of anger.
They that make them are like unto them. Isaiah (see
references, previous paragraph) emphasizes that men make idols like themselves.
Then they attach to them the worst of human characteristics (in order to justify
their own shortcomings?), and then, bit by bit, they become more and more like
Psa. 115:9-11; 118:2-4.
Blessed be the Lord... who manifests Himself... out
of Zion.
A mighty shout of praise in the house of the Lord in Zion.
That He is “our God” is quite overshadowed by the emphasis on
“the Lord”, whose covenant has always been sure and has now come to
complete fulfillment. “His Name is pleasant” (v. 3) refers to v.
Jacob... Israel. He has been with His people even in
their “Jacob” waywardness, and how much more so when they are so
completely changed to “Israel” faithfulness — being given a
new name (Gen. 32:22-28) indicative of their new status in the sight of the God
who “rules” over them, and by whom they
Our Lord is above all gods. There has never been a time
in all human history when men have worshiped the work of their own hands more
than they do today (v. 15). In the age to come, Theophany will make all these
modern “gods” of greed and materialism and pleasure-seeking seem
absolutely and utterly vain and trivial.
Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he... in all deep
places. Even the grave yields to the authority of God bestowed upon His Son
(Rev. 1:18).
The mighty powers of nature which overawe mankind will be His
servants more plainly than ever, in judgment.
The wind. In Hebrew, “wind” (ruach)
is also “Spirit”.
Judgment on Egypt in the deliverance of His people as in
former days: Isa. 19:16-21; Joel 3:19.
Also, as in past times, Canaan is overrun by hostile Arabs,
but once again the Land will be reconquered under a “Joshua” greater
than Joshua!
For the Lord will judge his people, and he will repent
himself concerning his servants (Deut. 32:36, and see context). The
two halves of this verse appear to say opposite things. There is yet to be a
climax of judgment upon an Israel not yet turned to their God. But their
repentance, when it comes, will also bring God’s “repentance”.
On this see the references at Psa. 81:13,14. (Of course, God does not
“repent” in the sense in which men do, but the Bible repeatedly
teaches its readers to think of God in this light, for this is the nearest that
human limitations can come to understanding Him.)
What a contrast here with vv. 16-18, to be seen and
appreciated by all the world. But the sequence here is not easy to understand:
Israel, Aaron (priesthood), Levi (God’s special servants), and “ye
that fear the Lord”. Is this last group repentant Israel? Or Gentiles who
have become “Jews” (which is the common meaning in Acts: 10:2,22,35;
13:16; 16:38; 19:17)?
Bless the Lord... who manifests himself... out of
Zion. God blesses His people out of Zion (Psa. 128:5; 134:3). Here is a
splendid expression of true and lasting fellowship between God and men (Rev.
21:3; 22:3,4).