"Being honest in the sight of all men means that we must be
completely straightforward and truthful in our dealings with others -- and also
to ourselves. We say we have accepted the Truth and claim therefore that we are
honest. But do we continue to make mischief and tell lies?
"Sometimes we find it hard to be honest because we don't want
to upset anyone. To take a very trivial example: we see a friend and we don't
think that her clothing is at all appropriate but we are afraid to say so and
end up complimenting her. Is that being honest? In speaking the truth we have to
be gentle and considerate, but sometimes even that can bring hurt feelings.
"We are supposed to be missionaries preaching the Lord Jesus
Christ in word and action. He was always totally honest and true -- as we must
be! He was not only honest in the sight of all men, he was totally honest before
God. And he will help us in our aim to be honest before God, for only then will
our honesty be complete. Look how he helped Peter to overcome his shameful
dishonesty. And he did it in deepest love.
"Sometimes we tell lies and excuse them as jokes when they are
found out. 'Like a madman shooting firebrands or deadly arrows is a man who
deceives his neighbour and says, "I was only joking!" ' (Pro 26:18,19). This
kind of behaviour is often seen in children and because it is not corrected it
continues into manhood. It is never too early to learn that complete
truthfulness must be a way of life from childhood onward. These things the Lord
hates -- a proud look, a lying tongue, a false witness who tells lies, and
he that sows discord among brethren.
"We must be on our guard that we are not taken in by lies just
because we hear them over and over again. We must also make sure that we
ourselves are not guilty of trying to convince others of something that is not
true by the use of repetition. Remember that mob in the theatre in Ephesus? They
wanted everybody to believe that the goddess Diana was real. So they just
shouted and screamed and chanted in unison, 'Great is Diana of the Ephesians'
for a couple of hours until everybody was hoarse. But the idol was as dead at
the end of all those 'vain repetitions' as it was at the beginning. Let us not
be so proud as to refuse to give up a false opinion we have, even though the
truth has been revealed to us.
"Recently I spoke to a sister concerning a brother and family
member about some misunderstanding that had taken place. The sister made it
clear that there was nothing I nor anyone could do to convince this brother that
what he heard was a lie. He is stubborn and too proud to let go of self and be
humble. We deplore this behaviour in others. Let us also be sure that we despise
it in ourselves as well.
"In Psa 133, we are reminded that it is good and pleasant for
brethren to dwell together in unity. The final blessing of eternal life will
come only to brethren and sisters who dwell together in unity. Spreading lies
and believing them causes discord and unhappiness. What a hateful thing to sow
seeds of bitterness in a united family and cause unnecessary strife! This is the
old nature of man, but for those who are washed in the blood of the Lamb, this
should not be named among us. Our faith should be stronger than to tell lies.
"The Internet and E-mail have provided a new medium for
spreading lies about those whom we may not like. We can hide our identity while
still causing pain to others. I have been appalled at the misuse of the Internet
by brethren who should know better. I know one sister who has suffered intense
distress because of untrue things circulated widely about her, in some cases by
brethren who have never even met her. It should never be like that in the family
of God.
"Why should anyone -- especially a brother or a sister
-- tell such lies deliberately? Is it to accomplish evil? Why go naked to
such a work when there are many beautiful garments ready to hand? It is easy to
feel bitter and find covering which might even deceive ourselves.
"We have much to be thankful for today through the mercies of
God shown in the saving name of Christ Jesus. That's why many of us who have
lying lips like Ananias and Sapphira don't drop down dead immediately as they
did. There is still time to start a life of truthfulness. How long are we going
to wait before we...
"Speak the truth and speak it ever, cost it what it
He who hides the wrong he did, does the wrong thing
"Brethren and sisters, we cannot lie our way through to the
Kingdom. Instead, be honest and true. Be truly serious about the word. Be true
to one another" (Gerzel Gordon).