Luke 5 |
John 21 |
Jesus the teacher |
Jesus the absent Lord |
Toiling all night |
Toiling all night |
Not a single fish taken |
Not a single fish taken |
Peter the leader |
Peter the leader |
Jesus in the boat |
Jesus on the shore — unrecognized |
Two boats |
One boat |
All kind of fishes — |
Great fishes — |
countless |
a precise number |
Fish caught from both boats |
Fish caught on the right side |
Boat sinking |
Even the dinghy did not sink |
Fish pulled on board |
Disciples unable to pull the net in |
No fire, no bread |
Fire, and bread and one fish shared by all |
Nets breaking |
Net not broken |
"Depart from me" |
Peter's eagerness to be with Jesus |
"I am a sinful man" |
"Thou knowest that I love thee" |
"Follow me" |
"Follow me" |
"A fisher of men" |
"Feed my sheep" |
I |
Jesus |
Ch |
Christ |
Th |
God's |
U |
Son |
S |
Saviour |
1. |
The sea of Tiberias. Why this unusual name? To recall
the remarkable symbolic happenings in 6:1,22,23,29? |
Shewed (note the AV italics); literally: he manifested
(his glory in a final miracle?}; s.w. 2:1 1. |
2. |
Peter and Thomas. The two who denied him are set first!
Nathaniel now experiences the fulfilment of 1:50.
Two other. Gospel fishing is not restricted to the
Twelve. |
3. |
I go.- Gk. hupago often has a suggestion of curt
impatience. |
I go a fishing. The last occasion was Mt. 1 7:27.
Contrast Jn. 20:21; 1 7:1 8. From this point on, in the N T fishing is replaced
by keeping sheep; v.15ff. |
Caught nothing; cp. Ps. 1 27:1. |
4. |
On the shore. Mt. 13:48 helps the symbolism
here. |
Knew not. The Gk. is emphatic: not one of them at all
knew him. Does this verse carry disturbing implications concerning disciples
when Jesus is manifest in the Last Day? |
5. |
Children. Boys. Is there a hint of reproof in the
non-use of "brethren"? 20:17. |
Have ye any meat? Rather: You haven't a thing to eat,
have you? More reproof? Note the symbolism behind these happenings, and their
appropriateness to the Second Coming: |
a. v.5: no food at all; then (v.6) an abundance. |
b. Jesus not recognized. |
c. The disciple unwilling to come to Christ naked; so he wears
his fisher's coat, |
d. A sudden endowment of superhuman strength. |
e. Christ provides a meal: One Fish for seven men. |
f. The text implies that Jesus knew the answer must be a
negative. |
6. |
Ye shall find. This word is unexpected here. But s.w.
1 :45. |
Multitude of fishes. For interpretation, see Is. 60:5,
and perhaps Ez. 47:9. |
7. |
When Simon heard. His name means 'one who
hears.' |
Why did not the others emulate Peter's urgent resolution to go
to Jesus? (a) non-swimmers? (b) more concerned about the fishes? (c) lacking
Peter's faith? (see next chapter). With reference to the Last Day sign, what is
this detail meant to imply? |
9. |
Bread, fish. Both are symbols of Christ. |
10. |
In view of v.9, why this instruction? It seems pointless, but
certainly isn't. See note on verse 5. |
11. |
Went up should surely read went back to the
dinghy. This prefix ana often has this meaning. |
12. |
Come and dine. Here again Jesus was made known to
disciples in the Breaking of Bread. |
None durst ask him. Cp. 4:27; 16:23 (B.S.
1.09). |
13. |
Fish. Definite article: the Fish, the one now
cooking on the fire. |
14. |
The third time. But it was at least the seventh. Then
does John mean the third in his record, or the third appearance on the first day
of the week (20:19,26)? |
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