And: in Gk. text therefore, to be linked with v.
13 because
Sifting: "They sit m the empty tomb who stand in the
presence of God; Lk. 1:19.
Why weepest thou? There would have been good
cause for weeping if the tomb were not empty
She turned herself back Any link here with Gen. 22.13?
See also John 1:27, 29
And saw Jesus The Lord's first appearance was not to
his mother.
Why these remarkable resemblances? Jesus standing (Rev 5:6);
Mary weeping (Rev. 5:4); she turned herself (Rev. 1:10,12).
Whom seekest thou? Whom? not What? Then did Mary
hope that Jesus would rise? Here, questions lead to a confession of faith; in
Gen. 3:9,11,13, to a confession of sin
Supposing, NT. usage; fairly sure.
The gardener This second Adam in this garden is a
"gardener" (Gen 2:15)
Rabboni; normally used for an outstanding teacher Jesus
was certainly that now, by his very appearance, and more so, by v. 17
Touch me not In nearly all NT occurrences, the word
means "touch". But the parallel to Mt 8:15 in Mk. 1:31 definitely means "hold"
or "grip"; and this is the usual meaning in classical Greek (L. & S.).
Perhaps also in Lk 7:14; 1 Jn. 5:18. The imperfect tense requires the idea just
Do not keep holding me. The alternative explanation
that the uncleanness of death was still on Jesus cannot be sustained.
My brethren. Jesus brought this term into use after his
resurrection: Ps. 22:22; 1 22:8; Mt. 28:10; 25:40; Rom. 8:29; Jn. 21:23; Acts
-frequently. Heb. 2:11.
I ascend; 16:16,28.
My God Spoken after resurrection, these words veto
trinitarian doctrine. Compare also Eph. 1:17; Heb. 1:9; Rev. 1:6; ch.3:2,12; Mt.
I have seen: Gk. pf. tense implies: And what I saw is
still vivid in my mind. So also v.25,29; Lk. 24:23. John's Greek splendidly
represents Mary's disjointed speech.