The day of the Preparation. According to Edersheim a
standard expression for Friday (Mark explains it; 15:42). At this Passover the
usual Sabbath and the special Passover Sabbath (Lev. 23:5-7)
Came together. Gk. passive surely implies that they
were specially convened by the Sadducee chief priest, who doubtless hod
disturbing memories of the Lazarus episode.
We remember. They tell Pilate that Jesus made this
prophecy. Then in 28:14, they probably told him of its fulfilment! Gk. suggests
'we were reminded' — by whom? Was it the last act of Judas? Or a specially
brave word of witness by Nicodemus or Joseph of Arimathea?
That deceiver. There is no instance in the gospels of
the enemies of the Lord referring to him as "Jesus". "He is called deceiver for
the consolation of his servants who shall (also) be called deceivers".
Said -When? Jn. 2:19; Mt. 12:40 - which they evidently
While he was yet alive. A crass pleonasm! Could Jesus
have said it after he was dead? The use of these words betrays the intense
agitation of these men. His enemies knew him to be dead. Why do his
modern enemies (e.g. Shonfield) think they know better?
The third day. This interprets the idiomatic: After
three days. Cp. Mk. 8:31; 10:34. See, for details, 'Passover", HAW ch. 10.
Jerusalem Targum: "A day and a night together make up a night-day, and any part
of such a period is accounted as the whole."
The last error worse than the first. Here first
(Gk. protos) implies not just one initial evil, but many (his miracles and
his teaching). Instead, that truth (resurrection) is better than the first
(virgin birth). What a smear it was to quote such a passage as 2 Sam. 13:6 about
Error (deseil) is virtually s.w. verse 63:
Three curt verbs here make evident Pilate's impatience and
lack of sympathy. Contrast here his marked willingness to oblige Joseph of
Arimathea; v.58
A watch. Roman,- s.w. 28; 11; Jn. 18:3,1
Made the sepulchre sure. The plural use of this word in
three vereses - they made sure also that there would be yet more witnesses to
the resurrection, unwilling witnesses, too! In a Messianic prophecy Is 41:10
LXX) the same word has a drastically differed context: "Uphold thee."
Sealing the stone. Jn. 6:27 s.w, but what a contrast
there! Not onlyin his ministry but again in his resurrection Jesus showed his
disregard for protocol and red tape, cp Job 5;12, 13, 12-17 Consider also Acts
5:23; 12.10; 16:26. Dan. 6:17 provides a remarkable type.