15. |
Release . . . a prisonor,: This may have been already
.n Pilate's mind when he said: "I will chastise him, and let him go" (Lk. 23
:16). |
16. |
Barabbas Syriac and Armenian versions, the Tiflis
Codex, and Origen all give him the additional name Jesus. |
22. |
Let him be crucified. Perhaps this was entirely a
Jerusalem crowd, quite different from the Galileans in 21:9. |
23. |
Cried out. Gk. imperfect implies that they kept at
it.It is the word which often describes “unclean spirits” crying
out. |
14. |
Having examined him before you. He hadn't! A good
example of slanted language for the sake of effect. |
21. |
They cried. Gk. implies: They shouted him
down. |
1-3 |
In this context consider Phil. 1 :13; 2 :8/10; 3
:10. See also Ps. 72 :11; Is. 45 :23; Rev. 5:8-14. |
13. |
The Pavement. There are archeological indications of a
pavement, 50 yards square, in Antonia. |