The true vine. Here is one of the best examples of
alethinos meaning true in contrast with symbol or type; cp. l:9; 6:32;
Heb. 8:2; 9:24.
My Father is the husbandman. No Nicean co-equality
here;cp.v.lO. How did the Father tend the Vine (Christ)? How does He? He gives
Bread and Wine.
Taketh away. Since "bear fruit" seems to refer to
converts, "lift up" rather than "take away" seems to be the correct reading
(Mt.13 :12). In the Greek text "take away, purge, clean" present an obvious play
on words: airo, kathairo, katharos. So Jesus talked to his disciples in
Greek, not Aramaic.
Vine... branches. Cp. the figure of the Body of
Christ; 1 Cor. 12:12; Eph.4 :12-16; Col. l :24.
Abide not in me. Note 6 :53; Mt. 11:6, and the example
of Thomas in forsaking the fellowship of the apostles (Jn.20:26).
(Men) gather them, for similar impersonal verbs, with
probable reference to angels, see Lk.12 :20 mg; 6 :38; and with specific mention
of angels: Mt.13 :41,49; 22 :13; 24 :31. In that case, for "burned" see Mt.3
:10; Heb.6:8;Ez.l5:4-7.
In my love, that is, in love for me. Cp. Gk. genitive
in 5 :42; 1 Jn.2 :5,15; 3 :17.
Called you friends. On this verse see also Acts 20:37,
and especially Ex.33:11 (true of Moses and Joshua-Jesus).