Believe it not. Gk. aorist implies: Don't give it
credence for a moment.
False prophets. Note Dt.13 :3.
I have told you before, as God warned Abraham; Gen. 18
He is in the secret chambers. Catholics make this
claim, regarding "the very Body of Christ" kept in the aumbry in church. Mystics
say that he comes to their secret chamber in moments of prayer and contemplation
(s.w. Mt.6 :6). Neither of these has the remotest connection with the real
Second Coming.
As the lightning. Lightning and thunder are
inseparable. So, as might be expected, the seven Thunders of Revelation 10,14
belong to the same time of the Lord's manifestation in glory. Cp. also Ps.29 :
"the voice of the Lord."
Shineth. This verb—phaino—always has
reference to divine phanerosis; cp. v.30: "appear."
The Son of man occurs 8 times in Mt.24,25, to emphasize
not his human weakness but his divine right as Messiah; Dan.7:13.
Wheresoever the carcase is. In. Lk.17 :37 this is in
answer to the disciples' question: "Where, Lord?'—not "Whither?", as the
question is usually read. It is true that John uses pou in the sense of
"Whither," but Luke never.