Believeth not on me means, here, not only on me,
as in Mk.9:37.
Abide in darkness. This assumes that darkness is a
man's normal natural condition.
The scriptures dealing with this theme are more copious than
is often supposed. 1 Pet.4 :4,5 (see the modern versions); Dt.18 :19; 29 :20;
Rom.2 :8,9; Acts 24 :25; 17 :30,32; Lk.13 :28; 19 :27; 14 :25,31-33; 12 :48; 10
:14; 2 Pet.2 :6-9; 1 Cor.7 :39; Jn.12 :48; 9 :31; 8 :21; 3 :18,19; 15 :22;
Rev.21 :8; ls.66 :24; Jude 14,15; 2Thess. 1 :8,9;Mt.ll :20-24; Heb.2 :3; 10
:28,29. There is comment on Jn.12 :48 in Eureka 3.671.
Examples of each aspect of "eternal life":
a. Jn. 6:53,54; 10:28; 5:24;
17:2,3; 1Jn.3:14, 15; 5:11-13.
b. Jn. 6:27, 40, 51; 12:25; 4:14, 36; 5:26, 29; 11:25; 1
Jn.2:25; 5:16.
c. Both ideas: Jn. 10:10.