Heart. In both O.T., N.T. 'heart' is not associated
with emotions or inclinations to the extent that it is in modern usage. Rather,
it means one's thinking (seeStudy 121 Notes).
With all thy heart. Gk: ek, from, out of. But in Mt:
en, in or by means of. Which did Jesus use?
Mind. InN.T. usually means spiritual insight rather
than brain-power.
Strength normally means physical strength. A man is not
to be afraid to drive himself in the service of his Lord.
Answered. Was the old slander about the Lord's birth
(Study 110) being revived?
The translations of 2 Sam.6 :19 vary. Literally: "And a
portion, and a pressing." The last word might apply to figs, dates, raisins, or
to wine pressed out.
Sit thou at my right hand. The words also imply: 'Even
if your plot against me succeeds, I shall rise from the dead and ascend to
Until I make suggests the human weakness of Messiah.
Thy enemies. Not a few of them then present with him in
the temple court!
Thy footstool implies a sharing of the glory of the
Father; Ps.99 :5.