The kingdom... like unto a certain king. A literal
reading of this is untenable. The king is not the kingdom. Here ,{ is a standard
introduction equivalent to: This is another parable about the kingdom; cp. 25 :1
(foolish virgins do not represent the kingdom); 13:24 (the man is not the
kingdom); 13:47 (the net is not the kingdom); so also 13:31,33. Failure to note
this usage has led to some crass errors in interpretation.
A marriage. Bethrothal was regarded as a legally
binding tie. Hence the apparent New Testament confusion between marriage and
betrothal. Joseph and Mary were betrothed but, apparently, never formally
married (Mt. 1 :20). She was already his wife. And so also the Bride is called
"the Lamb's wife" even when being brought to him(Rev. 19:7).
Would not come. Literally: They did not want to
His farm . . . his merchandise. A contemporary
invitation illustrates the timing of the feast: "Chaeremon invites you to
dine... tomorrow, the 15th, at 3 o'clock"
His armies. The same idiom in ls.10:5-7; 29 :3; 8 :7;
13 :5; Ez. 16 :40,41; 29:18-20; Jer.22 :7; 25:9; Dt.22:19.
The highways. In LXX this unusual word describes "the
issues from death" (Ps.68 :20), the waters of death, healed (2
Kgs.2 :21), the tree "planted by the rivers of water" (Ps.l:3), the dry
ground blessed with watersprings (107:35). These people, then, were brought from
places where they went to draw water, that they might enjoy a much greater
blessing. There is more symbolism here.