The temple of Cod. An unusual mode of description. But
in 23 :38 it is "your house."
The money changers. The normal rake-off was 12-16%
(Century Bible)
Shall be called. Here Lk. reads "is'—to empasize
the fulfilment of the prophecy. But why is it that Lk. the non-Jew, fails to
mention the several special details in this incident which concern Gentiles?
Thieves. Not surreptitious picking of pockets, but open
unashamed roguery.
Mouth. Singular, not plural! It is only when there is
one mouth that praise is perfected!
Perfected praise. This verb also means: "to lay a
foundation" (of a new temple!). Mk. adds here: "all the people were astonished
at his doctrine." Cp. Mt. 7 :28; 13 :54; 19 :25; 22 :33; Mk.1 :22; Lk.4