Running. Thus, indirectly, Mk. confirms Mt's detail
that he was a young man.
Why callest thou me good? Both Burgon and Plummer are
very emphatic that the alternative reading in Ml, (RVm) completely ruins the
sequence of thought in these verses.
Thou knowest the commandments. ln Lk. the order is
7,6,8,9, and so also in Rom. 13:9 and Philo and Tertullian-in harmony with God.
Alex. (LXX). There is good evidence that it was this recension of LXX which was
used regularly by Paul. Here Mt. adds: “and thy neighbour as
thyself” - like David and Jonathon 1Sam. 20:17?
From my youth. Mt's word neaniskos might
describe a man in his thirties. Such could say "from my youth" without
Looking on him, loved him. The expression surely
requires the reader to believe that Jesus made some gestured affection —
putting his arm round his shoulders?
Whatsoever thou hast. Mt's text implies inherited
Sell (aorist) . . . follow (cont.) One great act of
renunciation to be followed by a life of ceaseless discipleship.
Treasure in heaven. It is possible to demonstrate that
Jas. l :12 is alluding to this.
Here the Gosp. ace. to the Hebrews has: "But the rich man
began to scratch his head, and it pleased him not,"
Children. It is children who find difficulty in the
more profound principles of the gospel.
Them that have riches. This Gk. perf. tense implies:
They did trust in riches and still do (when they should have learned
The kingdom of God. Mt. surprisingly has this phrase
also (as in 12 :28;21 :31,43; 19 :24) in place of his usual "kingdom of heaven"
(e.g. v.23). But why the change in these five places?
Astonished out of measure This is a great chapter for
studying the reactions of the Lord's disciples: verses 10, 13, 24, 26, 32, 35,
41, 45, 52 . One wonders: Did the rich man hear any of this ensuing discussion?
Note Lk. 18 :24,
Peter began to say. What else was in his mind which
never got said?
House. Mt.: houses, with special reference to
the rich young ruler. And so also lands.
Cp. Rom. 16:13; 1 Cor. 4:14-17; Gal. 4:19; 1 Tim. 5:2; 2 Tim.
l :2; Tit. l:2