Avenge me. But judges do not dispense vengeance. Here
is another instance of a parable not being true to life.
For a while. Lit: upon a time. The same sort of
"time" as in Dan. and Rev.? Note again the application of this parable to Jewry.
Afterward. Lit: after these things. What things? The
events of ch. 17?
This widow troubleth me. Here prayer has effect because
it is urgent; in the next parable (v.13), because it is humble.
She weary me. The Just Judge is wearied only when His
people are silent. Other examples of God's desperate for help: 2 Pet.3 :9,15;
Rev. 6 :10; Ps.74 :10; 94 :3; Jn.ll :4; Mt.14 -.24,25.
Which cry unto him. A loud cry of need: Jas.5 :4;Gen.4
Longsuffering. A word used always in a good sense; 2
Pet.3 :9; Ecclesiasticus 35 :22 (and context).