Place In the OT the Hebrew word nearly always means an
altar or holy place. In quite a few passages the idea carries over into the NT:
Mt. 27:33; 28:6; Jn. 4:20; 11:48; 14:2,3; 18:2; Acts 6:14; 7:33, 49;
Importunity. The Greek word means, literally, "without
shame." There are other fine Biblical examples: Lk. 18:lff (Study 143);
Mt.9:27-29; ;20:30-34; 15:22,28; Gen. 13:4; 18:23-33; 32:24-29; Ps.
55:17; Is. 62:6,7.
The "lend" of v. 5 is replaced by "give."
Your heavenly Father. In the Lord's Prayer: "your
Father which ism heaven." Here, "your Father which is from heaven." And now by
all means consider Mal. 3:10.