38. |
John answered him. In the synoptic gospels, these are
the only words attributed to John, acting alone (Mk.10:35; 13:3). In the fourth
gospel, 13 -.25 and 21 :7. |
One casting out devils in thy name. Gk.: a certain man
in thy name casting out devils. There seems to be the implied query: "But, lord,
when is a man in thy name?" Contrast 3 Jn.7,8,9. |
He followeth not us. Lk: with us. Which of these
readings represents John's ipsissima verbal Is Luke diluting the strength
of the more contentious assertion? |
41. |
In my name links with v.37-39. |
42. |
In the parallel passage in Mt.18 there is a closer connection
than is usually recognized between v.6-14 and v.15-35 |
Cast. Mt. uses the same word as in Mt. 14:30 |
47. |
Enter into the kingdom This and v. 43,45: "into life,"
explain each other. |
48. |
Where their worm dieth not. Manna gone bad through
ignoring of God's precept; Ex. 16:20. |
49. |
Salted with fire "for the fire (of the altar)." Compare
the force of the Greek dative in Rev.21 :2; Heb.6;4; Jn.3 :26; Mt.6 :25;2 Cor.2
:1;5:13. |