This is usually called the second warning to the disciples,
but it is really the third: 16:21; 17:12, 22.
Shall be betrayed. Mk. has "is being betrayed." Judas
making plans already?
They were exceeding sorry - after Jesus had foretold
his resurrection! This suggests that they had begun to grasp the message about
his sufferings but did not understand his talk about resurrection. "It was hid
from them"(Lk.9:45).
Came to Peter. So even outsiders had come to regard
Peter as the chief of the apostles.
Strangers. The argument also implies that now Israel,
paying the tax, were really no better than Gentiles in God's sight.
Lest we cause them to stumble (RV). The important
lesson here is: In all non-essentials make every possible concession; Mk.9:39;
Rom. 14:1; 1 Cor.9:20.
That take and give to them. Fisherman Peter would, of
course, be sorely tempted to go on fishing. But no! in this experience of the
grace of God there can be only one fishing and only one atonement price paid.
For me and thee What about the other eleven? Was the
quarrel behind Mt.18 :1 an outburst of indignation against the priority so often
accorded to Peter?