Six days; cp. Luke's "eight days". Mt. 27:63,64 is an
example of inclusive and exclusive reckoning side by side. Gen.2:2 and Ex.24:16
(9,13,15,17,18) are also relevant.
Transfigured. The Greek aorists in Mt. Lk. seem to
suggest an instantaneous transformation; cp. 1 Cor.l5:52,
White as the light. This surely implies that then (and
habitually) Jesus wore white garments.
Moses and Elijah raised! But the only people the disciples had
seen raised from the dead were those raised by Jesus! Then these
Talking with him. In all three gospels the verbs imply
a sustained conversation.
Then answered Peter must surely mean that he answered
Jesus, who presumably had said to them: "Why are you fearful (Mk.9:6) of what
you see and hear?"
It is good for us. . . might also be an indirect
'Thanks, Lord, for giving us this opportunity' (Acts. 10:33; Phil
Three tabernacles. The apostles would not need to
descend the mountain very far to find brushwood and branches suitable for this
Jesus only. Luke's word 'departed from him' is the same
as Gen. 1:4 LXX- dividing the Light from the darkness.
Tell the vision. Mark's word means 'to tell openly or
in full'.
The Son of man. A specific allusion to Dan. 7:13 when
Messiah is to be transfigured again in the presence of his Father.
Restore all things. The verb is definitely future. With
John already dead, another fulfilment is therefore called for. Since Jesus used
the very word 'restore' which Mal.4:4 LXX has, the phrase 'all things' must be
taken as an abbreviation of the rest of that passage: "the heart of father to
son, and the heart of a man to his fellow".