Remarkably, there is no mention at all of teaching, only
The dumb to speak. By putting this first Mt. seems to
show awareness of the miracle in Mk. 7:32 ff.
The maimed to be whole. Missing limbs restored?
Consider the implications of this with reference to Mk.9:42,45.
I will not... means: I do not wish to send them away
(implying: as you asked me to on the former occasion; 14:15).
Whence... ? Num.ll:22; Ps.78:20-32; 106:210.
A few fishes. Fish and bread in7:9; 14:19;
In this miracle, fewer people, more food to start
with, and more left-overs. Suppose Mt. had preserved this account and omitted
14:15-21, what a field day the critics would have had, emphasizing wrong timing,
distorted numbers, different kinds of baskets etc! It is interesting to note how
much more emphatic Mt. is here, than Mk: they did all eat. . . seven
baskets full. .. 4000 besides women and children. Remarkable too
that with large baskets of surplus food the twelve were almost immediately
without; 16:7.
Magdala. Not Magadan (utterly unknown), as some modern
versions choose to read, following an inferior text.