There was the leper who followed Jesus into the house, and
kneeling before him, shewed his sorry plight, asking in faith for healing.
Jesus responded immediately, showing his deep sympathy by the additional and
quite a unnecessary action of touching the man’s disfiguring defilement
(Mk. 1:41).
Next was the ineffable comfort given to the widow of Nain when
her only son was given back to her. “Weep not”, said Jesus, making a
clearly implied promise that she should soon have grounds for joy and praise in
place of mourning (Lk. 7:13). In the next minute that sorrowful lonely figure
was transfigured with a gladness she would not have thought possible.
The two miracles of feeding the multitude are both singled out
as examples of the visible compassion of Jesus for the crowd in its distress.
Mt. 14:14 tells how, when he crossed the Lake with the twelve, to get them a way
to peace and quiet, vast numbers of people followed them round the shore, many
even labouring under great difficulties to bring their sick and suffering
friends to Jesus. Consequently when he came ashore from the boat, already there
were many awaiting him, hoping pathetically that he would use his wonderful
powers for their benefit. Without any of the vexation which might well have
been warranted, Jesus responded to their prayers and gave the help they craved.
Some time later it was the Lord’s tender feeling for a
tired and hungry multitude which led to the feeding of the four
thousand: “I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue
with me now three days, and have nothing to eat. I do not wish to send them away
fasting, lest they faint in the way” (Mt.15:32). His sympathetic
imagination saw not only their present need but also their hardship and misery
before they got back to their homes. There was nothing for it but to provide
food in large quantity, and at once. And this Jesus did in a way that amazed
them all.
The next example followed immediately after the
Transfiguration. At first it seemed that Jesus was showing himself to be
anything but compassionate. When told about the epileptic boy whom the apostles
had failed to heal, he kept the poor distraught father there answering questions
whilst the boy rolled on the ground in a violent fit. At last the tortured
parent burst out with an appeal there was no thrusting aside: “If thou
canst do anything, have compassion on us, and help us” (Mk. 9:22). Both
father and son were suffering terribly, in different ways. It was an appeal
beyond the power of Jesus to resist, even had he in wished to do so. The poor
man’s honesty iH about his present mixed-up state of doubt f’i and
faith made further delay out of question. As the attack left the boy unconscious
and apparently dead, Jesus lifted him up and gave him back, perfectly well, to
his father.
Last in this group is the healing of blind Bartimaeus and his
blind friend. Their piteous cries as Jesus passed on his way were not to be
gainsaid. So, called to the Lord, they told their story, and their faith. Full
of pity for their plight, Jesus did what they asked, touching their eyes so that
they might know for sure that their healing came from him (Mt. 20:34).
The Lord’s enemies, quick to note how strong his sense
of pity for sufferers was, actually traded on it in such a way as to apply a
kind of spiritual blackmail-on a sabbath. They deliberately planted in front of
him a man bloated with dropsy (Lk.l4:l,2). Jesus’ solution to such a
challenging situation was masterly. All the foregoing examples have to do with
the physical distress or hardship of those on whom Jesus took pity. There was in
him a tenderhearted appreciation of the plight of these afflicted people which
made it impossible for him to turn a deaf ear to their pleas for help or to move
heedless away from the sight of their suffering.
The remaining example, like one of those already listed, comes
in the story of the feeding of the five thousand, but it concerns the spiritual
need of the people: “Many ran afoot thither out of all cities, and out
went them, and came together unto him. And Jesus when he came out (from the
boat) saw much people, and was moved with compassion towards them, because they
were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many
things” (Mk. 6:33, 34). The answer to this need was not more miraculous
healing, but instruction. And although Jesus had crossed the lake hoping for
rest and relaxation for himself and the twelve, his compassion for hungry sheep
looking up unfed was a more insistent imperative. Their need was greater than
his own.
Like Father, like Son. This overmastering pity of Jesus for
men in need was not to be excluded from his parables, where in two instances out
of three it is the dominant characteristic of Almighty God forgiving helpless
men their sin and bringing them freely and graciously into His favour. There is
the parable of the unmerciful servant who pleaded quite impossibly: “Lord,
have patience with me, and I will pay thee all”. The response was
immediate, and far surpassing even the most abnormal standards of human mercy:
“The lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and
forgave him the debt” (Mt. 18:26, 27). The bad reaction of this fortunate
man was as evil as it could have been. It serves, however, to throw into relief
the loveliness of the loving-kindness shown to him. It spotlights the compassion
of God.
Similarly, in the parable of the prodigal son, a typical human
father would have said: ‘He is an ingrate and a waster, a selfish sinful
fool. He is my son no longer’. Instead: “when he was yet a great way
off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and
kissed him” (Lk. 15:20). It is the same irrepressible divine love forthe
In another equally eloquent parable the same story is told.
The man who fell among thieves was left helpless and hopeless. Then “a
certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he
had compassion on him” (Lk. 10:33). A superb selfless rescue operation
followed. The spring and motive power of it all was .. this surge of compassion
for one in dire “ need. Thus the key phrase sums up all that Jesus, the
Samaritan Saviour, did throughout his ministry and in the climactic suffering to
which it led. All his preaching and teaching, all his works of healing, all his
patience and personal example, and all that he endured in pain, torment and
shame at Golgotha sprang from a deep dominant feeling of pity for helpless men
who must be helped. Must!