Lost his savour. LXX has the identical word in 2 Sam.
24:10; Is. 44:25.
Wherewith... salted. Another possible way of reading
this is: Wherewith shall it (the earth) be salted? The implication would then
be: If you disciples do not disseminate the divine knowledge you learn from me,
how is the world to learn the truth of the gospel? -- a parallel to the natural
Israel being designated “a kingdom of priests and an holy nation”,
and failing to rise to that responsibility.
Men. This word is not in the text (see RV). The verb
describes an action by an unspecified “they”. But the figure of
speech makes clear that it is priests on duty in the sanctuary who are referred
Your Father which is in heaven. 12 occurrences in Mt.
and only one elsewhere: Mk. 11:25, in a context of prayer.